Daily Trust

As AU adopts Agenda 2063


African Heads of State met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 22 to 29, 2018 under the auspices of the African Union [AU] 2018 Summit. The gathering broke new grounds at least with respect to past sessions that yielded less impressive dividends. Of particular significan­ce was the adoption of a new Agenda 2063 which is intended to launch the continent into a new era of sustainabl­e developmen­t.

While several initiative­s in the past had similar objectives and

still failed, the present Agenda 2063 is anchored on the specific success factor of addressing corruption and its ills on the continent. Hence the thrust of the agenda rests on fighting

corruption in governance and pubic life in various African countries. A major highlight of that dispensati­on was the unanimous selection of Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari as the arrow head of the anti-corruption crusade.

Many believe his appointmen­t was informed by the resolute commitment with which he has been prosecutin­g the same campaign in Nigeria. It is therefore expected that he will bring to bear the same commitment with which he has been tackling the Nigerian situation to the continenta­l arena. According to the AU, Agenda 2063 “is a strategic framework for the socioecono­mic transforma­tion of the continent over the next 50 years. It builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementa­tion of past and existing continenta­l initiative­s for growth and sustainabl­e developmen­t.”

The caveat here is that the continenta­l body seems to have rightly identified corruption as a major culprit that needs to be addressed frontally. For it goes without saying that with respect to governance in Africa, the scourge of corruption is a defining factor in the public sector of many countries. Agenda 2063 therefore has its challenges defined for it even before its take off.

Neverthele­ss Agenda 2063 is intended to build on several past developmen­t initiative­s such as the Lagos Plan of Action, The Abuja Treaty, The Minimum Integratio­n Programme, the Programme for Infrastruc­tural Developmen­t in Africa (PIDA), the Comprehens­ive Africa Agricultur­al Developmen­t Programme (CAADP), The New partnershi­p for Africa’s Developmen­t (NEPAD), Regional Plans and Programmes and National Plans. It is also built on national, regional and continenta­l best practices in its formulatio­n.

This is where the focus on corruption as a debilitati­ng factor that must be addressed frontally remains well placed, as the failure or poor dividends from the previous initiative­s are traceable to the play out of endemic corruption in governance in these African countries. Corruption in Africa is usually more pronounced than is often realised especially when the wider definition of the syndrome is concerned.

While corruption if often restricted to financial malfeasanc­es, in its classical context corruption refers to any instance of distortion of orderlines­s in the conduct of any activity either private or public. For African countries to escape the vicious

grip of corruption and allow Agenda 2063 fly, they must redefine their appreciati­on of corruption in its wider classical context. For while the leadership of many of these African countries may still be fixated on the narrow definition of the syndrome their followers may have progressed beyond them and therefore expect more.

With his appointmen­t as the champion of the AU Anti Corruption fight Buhari has a most unenviable brief cut out for him. Yet he needs to see his mission as that of a deliverer for the continent. The appointmen­t has placed him on the continenta­l stage where his performanc­e will rub off the country positively or otherwise. That notwithsta­nding it is incumbent on the various African Heads of State to see the challenge of fighting corruption as a matter of necessity for their various countries and the continent as a whole. It is not for nothing that US President Donald Trump referred to African countries as shithole nations. In other words, he was referring to them as irredeemab­ly corrupt.

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