Daily Trust

Father, son remanded for alleged murder of housewife

- From Habibu Umar Aminu, Katsina

A man and his son have been remanded in prison over the alleged murder of a housewife in Malumfashi, Katsina State.

Haruna Ibrahim and his son Sagir Haruna, were accused by the police to have stormed the residence of the deceased, Hasiya Zaharaddee­n, on March 27 at about 2am in Unguwar Mairaba village and killed her after forcefully gaining entrance into her house.

It was gathered that the village head of Burdugu, Alhaji Gambo Umar, said to be the father-in-law of the deceased, lodged a complaint with the police. He was said to have explained that after committing the act, the assailants abandoned a knife at the scene of the incident before fleeing to the residence of Haruna.

Police said the knife allegedly used in the commission of the crime was eventually traced to Haruna.

When the accused were taken before a magistrate court in the state, police prosecutor Sani Ado, told the court that “Based on these circumstan­ces, the complainan­t is alleging that the above mentioned persons criminally conspired and killed Hasiya Zaharaddee­n contrary to sections 97 and 224 of penal code law.”

He further told the court that investigat­ion into the matter was ongoing and pleaded for more time.

In her ruling, the presiding magistrate, Fadilla Dikko, said culpable homicide cases were only triable at the high court and will await legal advice from the state Ministry of Justice and ordered that the accused persons be remanded in prison till May 28 when the case would come up for mention.

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