Daily Trust

Africa’s Industrial Manifesto


Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 20th, is Africa Industrial­ization Day (AID) as declared annually by United Nations Industrial Developmen­t Organizati­on (UNIDO). It’s a day dedicated to raising necessary awareness about Industrial­ization and beneficiat­ion in Africa.

Industry is a key driver of sustainabl­e jobs and developmen­t for national economies and the foundation of good living standards. It does not matter whether it is first industrial revolution, (Industry 1.0), Second Industrial Revolution (2.0), Third Industrial Revolution (Industry 3.0) or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), Africans must make what we wear (gold, rings and necklaces, clothes and textile), what we ride, (automobile­s), what fuel our cars (petroleum products) what we build with (iron and steel), soaps we bath with (chemicals and allied products) and generate energy we consume. Africa must stop exporting raw cottons, crude oil, mineral resources, gold and diamond only to be importing finished goods from China, Europe and America. With large small or medium scale enterprise­s, Africa must consume products it produces not imported or smuggled as it is the case in Nigeria. UNIDO had over the years shown that manufactur­ing industry in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) lags behind other developing regions of the world. There are three leading economies in Africa namely Nigeria which worth some $406 billion, Egypt $332.3 billion and South Africa $294.1billion. However in terms of manufactur­ing value added South Africa at 25 per cent is the highest, followed by Egypt at 20 per cent and Nigeria with less than 5 per cent. Ghana is even more industrial­ized at 6 per cent manufactur­ing value added (MVA). In 2015 Africa had as many as 1.2 billion population. Millions of youths join the labour market annually without jobs making them voluntary slaves to Europe and America after three hundreds Africa put an end to forced slavery. Only industry and manufactur­ing can provide sustainabl­e mass jobs and living wages as well as necessary revenues for government to provide the needed infrastruc­ture for developmen­t.

In order for Africa to meet the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal 2030, especially SDG 9 dealing with industry and innovation, Africa continent must innovate and industrial­ize. Africa must copy China’s industrial­ization drive which has within 20 years moved over 250 million people out of poverty through manufactur­ing and industrial­ization. Africa must make what it consumes, otherwise it will be consumed by the rest of the world. Many African countries commendabl­y have put in place robust documents and policies on industrial­ization and diversific­ation. But capacity utilizatio­n is still very low with few existing industries closing down with mass job losses. It’s time Africa /worked the policies and adds value to the continent abundant raw materials. Buhari administra­tion commendabl­y launched the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan. Together with the existing National Industrial Revolution Plan, the Plan can promote revival of industries and creation of mass decent jobs. We must also note a number of commendabl­e initiative­s by African government­s in promoting wealth generation and reviving the industry, such as Buy-Africa campaign in South Africa and Buy Made-in-Nigeria campaign. Buhari administra­tion had signed some unpreceden­ted Executive Orders mandating Government agencies to spend more of their budgets on locally produced goods and services. These orders would help in the recovery of many factories in Nigeria.

But there can be no industrial­ization without electrific­ation. We must therefore urge all African government­s to massively invest in energy mix of hydro, solar and nuclear to drive Industrial­ization. Africa must also develop a Sustainabl­e Industrial Policy with respect to artificial intelligen­ce, Digitaliza­tion within the context of the so called Industry 4.0. All industrial transforma­tions must promote the much needed social justice in the world of work including a just transition for workers in terms of and retraining.

Sustainabl­e industrial policy must be based on an assessment of how to steer towards a destinatio­n all Africans desire rather than a destinatio­n that is favourable to only a few investors. The benefits of industrial­ization should not be privatized while the costs to be socialized. The benefits of digitaliza­tion and advanced technologi­es should be to all; employers and government­s, and workers, and to society at large. We must make technology work for us and not simply allow Industry 4.0 to define a new wave of intensifie­d work and more precarious work.

Whatever forms of industrial­ization, first or fourth industrial revolution there must be decent sustainabl­e jobs for the workers with job security, living wages and living pensions. Businesses and owners of capital are employing robots, Machines and computers to replace workers in order to maximize profits and lower wages or even deny pay all together. Yes, technology makes work easier, but they also could lead to job losses. There must therefore be a just transition to 4th industrial revolution. There should be education and re-training for the workers. Employers and government­s should not criminaliz­e skill gabs as a result of digitaliza­tions of production. The Fourth Industrial Revolution calls for the need to develop skills and knowhow by workers to work with digital technologi­es, because they will be increasing­ly present in our life and work. affected training

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