Daily Trust

Pupils display skills in art and craft at graduation

- By Cynthia Akande

The students of Gabs Glorious Kids Academy, Lugbe, Abuja demonstrat­ed their skills in arts and craft during their annual speech and prize giving day ceremony on Friday.

The pupils showcased their knowledge in arts and craft making, martial arts and fluent use of foreign languages.

The proprietre­ss of the school, Mrs Blessing Adeola, said the display of the skills by the children was to let people know that engaging the kids in extra curriculum activities was a very important and necessary part of their education.

She also said the occasion was held annually to appreciate God’s faithfulne­ss over the children and to also appreciate the hard work of the children in the elapsing academic session.

“These children are transiting to college, at the same time God has kept them through this time it’s worth celebratin­g. We are also giving awards to celebrate children who have done well in either academics or in behaviour” she said

She urged the government to review the current curriculum as some subjects appear too cumbersome for the students.

“What we see now in the curriculum is the merging of subjects into one, which is not so good for the children. Imagine a case where a subject has six subjects in it and you have to teach the children these subjects as one, this does not help those of us in the system. So I think if government can review the curriculum, it will help our education system” she said.

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