Daily Trust

Nigeria not tapping benefits of Green Houses, allied concepts


Climate change will not destroy the Earth, but it can destroy the species of life on Earth that cannot adapt fast enough to new and changing conditions.

This entire process of building design that reduces the harmful effects on our health and environmen­t is known as green architectu­re or green design. Green architectu­re is a sustainabl­e practice of green building design which is designed and constructe­d with the environmen­tal standards in mind.

Today, we find ourselves at a crossroad on making choices about architectu­ral standards, building materials and new constructi­on, along with the operation and maintenanc­e of buildings, account for a considerab­le sum of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Knowing this reality, architects are supposed to carry the responsibi­lity of building properties without deteriorat­ing the planet’s environmen­tal structure or depleting its resources any further.

Sustainabl­y designed buildings aim to lessen the impact of greenhouse emissions on our environmen­t through energy and resource efficiency.

Sustainabi­lity presents itself as a unique challenge in the field of Architectu­re Constructi­on projects typically consume large amounts of materials, produce tons of waste, and often involve weighing the preservati­on of buildings that have historical significan­ce against the desire for the developmen­t of newer, more modern designs.

Increasing CO2 emissions are believed to result in irreversib­le changes in the global climate and the global environmen­t, the consequenc­es of which are hard to predict, but which are believed to impose tremendous economic cost of mitigation and adaptation, if not catastroph­ic effects on the human future.

Green Homes illustrate­s the multiple environmen­tal, economic and social benefits arising from a transition towards energy-efficient housing. It outlines the required institutio­nal changes and provides some basic principles for successful policies. For a world aiming towards a balanced and inclusive Green Economy for sustainabl­e developmen­t, Green Homes is more relevant than ever today.

In spite of the sustainabi­lity and affordabil­ity benefits of Green Houses, the progress made by Nigerians and the Nigerian government is so little compared to advanced nations where Green Houses and allied concepts are very popular.

The concept of Green Houses has become very significan­t just as the waves of green movement are sweeping across the world. Apart from benefits that such houses promise to the environmen­t, they are costeffect­ive and would lead to a more sustainabl­e economy.

Sameer Zod is a licensed architectu­re and design profession­al

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