Daily Trust

DHQ denies secret graveyards in N/East as Atiku demands probe

- By Ronald Mutum & Saawua Terzungwe

The Defence Headquarte­rs (DHQ) has said it is dismayed over a news report that the Nigerian military maintains secret graveyards in the North East theatre of operation.

This is even as the presidenti­al candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has demanded a judicial commission of inquiry

headed by a reputable jurist to probe the alleged burial of 1,000 soldiers killed by the insurgents.

Defence spokesman Colonel Onyema Nwachukwu said in a statement yesterday that “This insinuatio­n can only emanate from an uninformed position of the author of the said publicatio­n.”

He said it is necessary to inform the public that the Armed Forces of Nigeria has a rich and solemn tradition for the interment of fallen heroes.

He said, “Therefore, it must be unambiguou­sly clarified that the Armed Forces of Nigeria does not indulge in secret burials, as it is sacrilegio­us and profanity to extant ethos and traditions of the Nigerian military.”

Nwachukwu said in tandem with the traditions of the Armed Forces, Fallen heroes are duly honoured and paid the last respect in befitting military funeral of internatio­nal standard, featuring a funeral parade, gravesite oration, solemn prayers for the repose of departed souls by Islamic and Christian clerics, as well as gun salutes, aside from other military funeral rites.

He said the cemetery described in the publicatio­n, which is situated in Maimalari military Cantonment is an officially designated military cemetery for the Armed Forces of Nigeria in the North East theatre, with a Cenotaph erected in honour of our fallen heroes.

But Atiku, in a statement yesterday by his Media Office, said the alleged cover-up of the deaths of 1000 soldiers was a national emergency that should shock all statesmen and leaders of thoughts into action to save Nigeria. Atiku said Nigerians deserved to know the truth of the matter, adding he was shocked that such could happen under a democratic regime.

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