Daily Trust

Man cuts six-year-old daughter’s throat in Adamawa

- From Kabiru R. Anwar,Yola

A six-year-old girl is lying in critical condition at the Federal Medical Centre Yola in Adamawa State after her father attempted to slaughter her..

Saidu Dan’iya, popularly known as Baban Aisha, who resides at Lungun Maman Manager, Damare, allegedly attacked Zahra’u with a kitchen knife, inflicting a serious injury on her neck

North East Trust gathered that the incident occurred at about 10 a.m. on Wednesday when the little girl was at home with her father after her mother went out to a house where she worked as house help.

Neighbours heard the unusual cries of the girl and rushed to the house only to find Zahra’u lying in a pool of blood and when they queried Saidu about it he said he just felt like doing it.

Our correspond­ent reported that the victim had been admitted at the emergency section of the Federal Medical Centre Yolal where doctors are battling to save her life.

The doctor, who attended to little Zarau, Dr. Elkannah Patrick, said the girl had been stabilised and that her chances of survival was 50-50, adding that she would soon undergo a surgery.

“We cannot determine yet if there is infection. We hope there is none because infection will seriously imperil her chances of survival,” he said.

The Head of Clinical Services of the FMC, Yola, Dr Yerima Suleiman Yusuf, said the hospital would treat Zahra’u free of charge in considerat­ion of her family’s poor economic condition.

“We have a Paupers’ Fund from which we will treat this patient because we realize that the mother is not ready and the father is a psychiatri­c case”, the official said.

Family members said that Saidu who suffered from mental disorder had received treatment from a psychiatri­c hospital where he spent a month recently.

“His wife became really worried when the man began to threaten that he would slaughter members of the family one by one,” a neighbour and family friend, Maryam Umar, said.

The police spokesman, Adamawa State Command, DSP Suleiman Nguroje, confirmed the arrest of the suspect, saying investigat­ion was in progress.

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