Daily Trust

Plateau women rally against violence, extremism

- From Dickson S. Adama, Jos

Women from Bokkos, Kanam, Kanke, Mangu and Pankshin local government areas of Plateau State have held a rally against violence and extremism in their areas.

The women, who were brought together by the Institute of Governance and Social Research (IGSR) in Jos, capital also underwent a three day peace education on the theme “The Role of Women in Preventing Violent Extremism in Plateau Central”.

The objectives of the programme are to raise awareness on the dangers of violent extremism in the communitie­s, mobilize women as peace vanguard and create network of women for building resilient communitie­s in Plateau central against violent extremism.

Others are to highlight the impact of drug abuse on the youths and to sensitize community members on the need for peaceful co-existence.

The rally also brought together women groups of different faiths, youth leaders, traditiona­l leaders religious leaders security agents and local government authoritie­s from each of the five local government areas to work together stop the growing menace of violence in the communitie­s.

Speaking to our correspond­ent on the programme, a Senior Programme Officer with IGSR, Celestine Ukatu, said the peace rally/education will assist in curbing the rising cases of violence and radicaliza­tion especially among the youths. He said the reason for making women as drivers of the programme is because of their importance in the communitie­s and their ability to sway people’s mentalitie­s in the societies.

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