Daily Trust

Gov Fintiri replies Abbo, says he is a distractio­n

- From Kabiru R. Anwar, Yola

Adamawa State Governor Ahmadu Fintiri has urged Senator Ishaku Abbo (PDP, Adamawa North) to express his grievances in a civilised manner devoid of personal insults.

The governor was responding to a video clip in which the senator accused him of high handedness and of rigging the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) primaries for local government council election to edge out his perceived enemies.

The senator said: “We can no longer sit down to see our state being destroyed. I am a senator, if he wants to fight a senator, God bless him. I am prepared. PDP in Adamawa State is sick, PDP in Adamawa State is in Intensive Care Unit and PDP in Adamawa State is surviving on oxygen. PDP is dead.”

Reacting, the governor through a statement by his Director General, Media and Communicat­ions, Solomon Kumanga, described Abbo’s claims as unbecoming of a legislator, and advised him to explore civilised means to register his grievances rather than resorting to attack on his person and office.

“His Excellency views the senator’s action as unfortunat­e and takes exception to the insults, innuendoes and attacks on his person and office. However, for now, the governor does not intend to join issues with the senator. Rather, His Excellency is in the delicate phase of laying strong bricks for the security, growth, developmen­t and prosperity of the people and institutio­ns of Adamawa State and would not want to be distracted,” he said.

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