Daily Trust

PDP’s statement boycotting Kogi West rerun deceitful — Adeyemi

- From Itodo Daniel Sule, Lokoja

The All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) candidate for Kogi West rerun election, Senator Smart Adeyemi, has faulted the claims of the opposition PDP to boycott the supplement­ary election slated for November 30.

Adeyemi, who spoke in Lokoja yesterday, while reacting to a statement issued by the PDP national publicity secretary, urged his party’s members not to take the opposition statement seriously.

He said it was a “deceitful tactics” to make APC go to sleep.

“For us in the APC, we will continue with our master plan of getting 90% of the 30,000 PVC holders in the affected units because we will not allow ourselves be deceived by the Peoples Democratic Party.

“I therefore urge my party members not to allow the PDP statement becloud our sense of reasoning. We cannot trust them with any of their statements.

Similarly, the APC yesterday described the PDP’s reported boycott plan and the call to postpone Kogi West senatorial supplement­ary election as a silly joke.

The APC National Publicity Secretary, Malam Lanre IssaOnilu, in a statement issued, said nobody would be fooled by the PDP’s statement of boycotting the supplement­ary election.

Issa-Onilu said the APC would not drop its guard in the quest to get a clear majority of the remaining votes in the affected units.

He called on INEC and relevant security agencies to ensure that everything needed to make the November 30, senatorial supplement­ary election in Kogi transparen­t, free, credible and safe was put in place.

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