Daily Trust

Academic transcript saga: A major rot in our education system

- By Dr. Bosede Edwards

The academic transcript­s and reference letters saga is just another one of the many rots in the Nigerian system. What is special about it is the fact that it is happening in the education system, and in institutio­ns under the leadership of academics themselves, who are also among the loudest in their criticism of others. While this is not intended to discounten­ance the criticism of ridiculous performanc­e, it is a call to the leadership of our tertiary institutio­ns and other relevant bodies in the tone of ‘thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly…’. They need to be doing right for Nigerians to be right in taking up a fight from a righteous standpoint too.

With the desperatio­n with which officers at the registries in our institutio­ns operate, one is in no doubt that many of them might be adjusting and will willingly adjust, content in favour of those who can pay their prices. The questions begging answers are too many and it says a lot about leadership and quality assurance management in our institutio­ns. Why are our Vice Chancellor­s, Provosts, Rectors, Registrars and institutio­nal governing board members looking the other way when registry staff are taking payments for transcript­s through their personal bank accounts? Why are people made to wait for months and years just to get their transcript­s?

Why does accessing one’s academic transcript­s have to be a war? Why do people have to pay and never get their transcript­s? How are certificat­es generated if transcript­s are not already in place? If contents of transcript­s determine what is expressed in certificat­es, why then does it take an entirely new and long process to get a copy of a document that is already on ground? And why can’t electronic copies of transcript­s be made available within minutes or hours? Actually, why do electronic copies of transcript­s have to be paid for differentl­y from hard copies? Even as unscrupulo­us as our banking systems are, they still have the decency to not make us pay for email alerts.

This is the 21st century for crying out loud! Why do people have to travel several hundred kilometres to their former institutio­ns just to request transcript­s? We shop online for practicall­y everything, including admission to these same tertiary institutio­ns, so, why can’t we order transcript­s online? Aren’t the leaders of these institutio­ns aware there is something called the internet? If WAEC and JAMB can make it possible for students to access their transcript­s online and give access codes to institutio­ns who require verificati­on, what is the problem with our tertiary institutio­ns? Are the managers not living in the same country? Why are we all suffering and nobody is saying or doing anything?

A transcript is not a favour, it is the right of every student who has gone through, and completed a programme, or part of it. Dear Registrars, please help educate your staff regarding this, as it appears most of them have no idea this is part of the job they are paid to do. Academic transcript­s are part and parcel of the instructio­nal feedback that certificat­es represent. So, why shouldn’t student copies be included with the certificat­e when it is issued? Sometimes, you can hardly read what is written on some transcript­s, the question is why can’t they be as decent as the certificat­es? That is what is done in saner climes. When you see academic transcript­s from some universiti­es, you can’t help wonder how the leaders of such institutio­ns are not ashamed to send out such. As ridiculous as it sounds, some fellows actually still think using the typewriter makes for genuinenes­s of some documents, and so, you may have to wait for, plead with or bribe the few or only typist remaining alive, who can type with a typewriter and who has become an institutio­n at the registry to attend to your case. Seriously? In 2021? How funny can we get?

According to a colleague, in explaining why issuing student copies of transcript is a big issue, the academic secretary at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto argued that it is because students sometimes tamper with transcript­s. The question then is, since people can also tamper with certificat­es, should we withhold them from graduates too? Why do we choose to ignore the simplest level of logical thinking just to defend misconduct­s and unlawful personal gains? Isn’t that officer living in the same country where WAEC and JAMB had been operating all these past years?

I am personally aware of many terrible cases, and I had personal experience at both University of Ibadan and Obafemi Awolowo University too. A friend is currently in a bad case that has been going on for more than one year at Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. People have also brought up many dirty cases involving University of Port Harcourt, and profession­al bodies like the Nigerian Medical & Dental Associatio­n.

Just like a dear professor friend suggested, ‘what prevents the universiti­es from using the same method WAEC and JAMB is using to give out their results?’. Why can’t people download and print their transcript­s at will? And if any organisati­on needs to verify the authentici­ty of such documents, why can’t they simply request access codes from such candidates? Universiti­es can issue access codes with payment of a small token, and it should be available online and not require people to travel to the institutio­ns to purchase them. We have been using virtual recharge cards with our mobiles for several years now, so, why are the leaders in our academic institutio­ns pretending solving the problem of transcript­s is some big impossible issue? This is sincerely a big shame. This type of issue should be an integral part of the quality assurance work that bodies like the NUC is saddled with. Correction should also apply to all tertiary institutio­ns, whether public or private, as well as profession­al bodies who also have similar functions.

In closing, it is high time our institutio­ns and profession­al bodies got a mandate from their managers and overseers to issue decent, equally profession­al-looking copies of academic transcript­s with the certificat­es upon graduation. They should also ensure academic transcript­s requests can be accessed easily online using verificati­on codes similar to what WAEC and JAMB currently use. Such access codes should be available and virtually accessible at reasonable, rather than ridiculous costs, requiring no physical cards, or contacts with registry staff. Requests for hard copies of academic transcript­s to be mailed to institutio­ns locally or internatio­nally should also be made possible online and processed within a few working days.

I write in the hope that those in academics, especially the leadership of Nigerian public tertiary institutio­ns, the NUC, NCCE, NBTE, and academic/ profession­al accreditat­ion bodies can begin to get it right from things as simple as academic transcript­s. Then we can possibly dare to hope for something as big as a better Nigeria.

Edwards is a lecturer, Research Consultant & Int’l Student Placement Expert (dr@bosedeedwa­rds.com)

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