Daily Trust

Conjoined twins, doctors get N2m donation from foundation

- By Ojoma Akor

The Sir Emeka Offor Foundation (SEOF) has donated N1 million each to a set of separated conjoined twins, and the medical team that separated them at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara State.

The twins, named Habeebat and Habeeb Tawakalitu, were separated at the hospital on January 14.

Speaking while presenting the cheques to the beneficiar­ies in Abuja, philanthro­pist and founder of the foundation, Sir Emeka Offor, said the N1 million donation to the twins is a 10-month outright payment of the N100, 000 monthly stipend the foundation would be paying the parents of the twins, Mr and Mrs Ahmed Tawakalitu, for five years effective from first February to help them in caring for the twins.

He said the foundation’s donation of 40-feet container load of medical equipment and supplies, and 100 hospital bed sets to the hospital last year marked the beginning of an excellent relationsh­ip.

Offor said the equipment was used to successful­ly separate the twins, adding, “That was what gave me joy and happiness. So, those people that did that,

I decided that we will support them.”

While commending the hospital for the successful surgery, he thanked the management of the hospital for providing employment to the parents of the children in response to their public plea for support.

The Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Prof. Abdullah Yussuf, who was represente­d by the hospital’s Medical Advisory Committee’s chairman, Dr Matthew Bojuwaye, thanked the foundation for the donation, adding that a team of 16 specialist­s carried out the successful surgery.

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