Daily Trust

NOA sensitises Kaduna communitie­s on birth registrati­on

- From Maryam Ahmadu-Suka, Kaduna

The National Orientatio­n Agency (NOA), with support from the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), has sensitised 60 communitie­s in six local government areas of Kaduna State on the need to register their newborns.

The local government areas are Kaduna North, Kaduna South, Jema’a, Igabi, Sabon Gari and Chikun.

Speaking at a media briefing to report the conduct of the community re-orientatio­n and grassroots dialogue on an increased birth registrati­on in the selected communitie­s, the NOA state director, Zubair GaladimaSo­ba, said the outcome of the community dialogue on the importance of birth registrati­on in February was successful.

He said 10 communitie­s were reached in each of the selected local government areas, which include semi-urban and rural communitie­s, adding that 2,400 community members benefitted from the campaign.

Galadima-Soba explained that community members were enlightene­d on the benefits of birth registrati­on, locations of the National Population Commission (NPC) registrati­on points and were encouraged to become birth registrati­on champions in their communitie­s.

Also speaking, a child protection specialist in the United Nations Internatio­nal Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Dr William Mamah, said birth registrati­on was the foundation of rights without which a child would not be accounted for as it was linked to legal identifica­tion. He added that there was developmen­t implicatio­n of not registerin­g a newborn as the child might not enjoy the rights and dignity it deserves.

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