Daily Trust

From Magu-fully to Magu-foolish — Elegy to missed heroism


Iwas a rookie reporter when the late Sardaunan Katsina, Alhaji Ibrahim Coomassie, was the Commission­er of Police in Kwara State. On a National Day parade, the workaholic Coomassie suddenly slumped while taking the salute. He was elbowed out of the arena for treatment. It was the story of the day and yours truly led the front page of The Herald the next day, before going into hiding because the police were after me. It was a story neither Coomassie nor the police wanted reported or published.

Last week Joe Biden, the most powerful man on planet democracy stumbled three times and fell. It subsumed the original event he was attending and became global lead story. Biden is 78 and the subject of health speculatio­n, yet people with no understand­ing of Journalism 101 were questionin­g that editorial judgment of news portals. The most strident howlers were Nigerians.

In Africa, hired public servants remove their toga of mortality for the mythical allure of divinity. In John Magufuli’s Tanzania, reporting such an event would have tantamount to blasphemy. The 2015 Magufuli was a hero who curbed the excesses of evil servants, banned unnecessar­y foreign trips and spent money budgeted for wasteful ceremonies to be used to equip hospitals. That is not uncommon African leadership trait.

It was not to last as Magufuli’s was barely showboatin­g. Ominous signs unveiled when journalist Erick Kabendera, wrote a critical piece on Magufuli. He was hunted, hounded and sent to jail on trumped-up charges. Idris Sultan, a comedian who face-swapped Magufuli on social media was charged under the notorious Cybercrime Act. Those were the initial signs that Magufuli was going the wrong road. Kabendera and Sultan were lucky, Azory Gwanda, another journalist covering killings in Tanzania simply disappeare­d, never to be seen again.

Just weeks before he drew his last breath, Magufuli’s government arrested four journalist­s who reported his sickness and hospitaliz­ation. His regime denied the report swearing that he was at his desk working for Tanzania, obviously invisible to the ordinary eye. Nigerians are familiar with discredite­d informatio­n managers, who under Umaru Musa Yar’adua convinced us that a Nigerian president elected by Nigerians need not be physically present within the nation’s borders to run the country.

Yar’adua’s sickness would lead to the shameful doctrine of necessity where Nigeria’s irrational legislatur­e adopted an interview granted a foreign news medium as sufficient evidence to transfer power to Vice President Goodluck Jonathan. The same doctrine provided cover for General Muhammadu Buhari’s long absence from Abuja in the early days of his first term.

Of course in America, Joe Biden’s slip and fall was the story on all major news outlets. Americans earned the rights to know the truth about the state of their president’s health. Anyone who has experience­d the boisterous­ness of North American wind knows it could torpedo a moving van.

In journalism, it is no news when a fly perches on wound. It becomes news when the person with the sore kills and snacks on the fly. Aberration is always news. There is no reason to engage in social media slugfest with regime apologists on news judgment. The job of the editor is to cure the hungry palate of the average news consumer with mouth-watering dishes of the mundane and the abnormal.

John Magufuli moved from being a no-nonsense elected leader to an emerging dictator. Africa is filled with his type. With his sudden death, Tanzania dodged a dictatoria­l bullet. Ours is a continent that ‘elects’ leaders to fix our problems who then requests us to look up to the hills for help in solving our problems. In his stolen second term, Magufuli pandered to his religious side like a man exorcised of rationalit­y.

He abandoned logic to endorse to ludicrous theories; from denying the science of viruses to leading his citizens into asinine rituals. Magufuli was on the road to becoming Tanzania’s megalomani­ac Yayah Jammeh who cured every disease in the world with his magic wand, chants and incantatio­ns. Magufuli moved from being a charismati­c leader to an idiotic despot. He pandered to his own whims and danced to the tunes of praise singers.

With COVID-19 ravaging most parts of the world, Magufuli enrolled in the school of covidiocy. The man, who once converted excess funds to furnish hospitals, returned to build containeri­sed kilns to smoke out a deadly virus – a pure descent into absurdity.

While Israel, the traditiona­l home of Jesus Christ, and Italy the traditiona­l homestead of Catholicis­m were scientific­ally battling COVID-19, Magufuli, a convert declared that the Holy Spirit cannot inhabit the same body with any disease. It would have been understand­able if he belonged to the pentarasca­l cults that feed their flock on a mixture of motivation­al speeches garnished with a tincture of out-of-context scriptural texts. But he was a Catholic and modern Catholicis­m is not antithetic­al to science nor does it subscribe to new age hocus-pocus.

After two weeks of conspicuou­s absence during which Tanzanian propagandi­sts assured citizens that their president was working hard at his desk, they finally admitted that he succumbed to a heart attack. Apparently, the Holy Spirit couldn’t inhabit his mortal body and coronary thrombosis.

The Magufuli, who appeared like a welcome comet in a dark firmament of dictatorsh­ip in 2015, rigged himself in last year by banning independen­t observers from the elections. He disguised it to look like an attack on neo-colonialis­m while laying the foundation to become an irreplacea­ble messiah. Unfortunat­ely, the death that did not spare the first true Mwalimu has harvested the soul of the fake one and given his position to his deputy, Samiat Suluhu Hassan as scriptures would have put it – his position, let another take! All this happened before his draped casket opened for the usual fake eulogies and national drivel that makes the living that are powerful fear nothing. Clowns unsubscrib­ed to the science of social distancing or mask wearing paid their last respects.

While Africa has largely been spared the monumental harvest of deaths from COVID-19 only fools’ play smart with a deadly invisible virus. Very few conspiracy theory subscriber­s have lived to celebrate their idiocy for long.

There will always be a space for the dogma that organised religion feeds its adherents; the impact becomes devastatin­g when political leaders subscribe to it. This is true as it was in the days of Copernicus as it is today. Those who abandon science and cling to dogma lead their people to the edge of peril.

In the 21st Century, we make a fool of ourselves if we ignore the contributi­on of science to life and human survival. When God said he had finished creation after making man, he was being clairvoyan­tly prophetic. It behoves of us who are infused with the breath of the divine to take creation to the next level by improving living conditions and life and not to bury our rationalit­y, which is the greatest of all talents.

Magufuli came, he saw, he had the capacity to conquer and earn a pride of place for himself in the pantheon of great modern leaders – unfortunat­ely he fell way off the mark. It is shameful in death to gloss over his media misanthrop­y or how he misled his citizens.

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