The Guardian (Nigeria)

Soul: Ties, Sex Covenants, Satanic Coding And Spirit Spouses Syndrome (2)

“He hath…set me as a mark for the arrow,” Lamentatio­n 3:12.

- By Rev. Theodore Effiong

MARKS or codes can be spirituall­y transferre­d to people and they become targets for demonic arrows without being aware of it. Whatever God does, Satan counterfei­ts. God codes people. He codes His children to show His ownership of them. God coded Cain, when he killed Abel, so that no one could kill him (Genesis 4:13-15).

Now, get the difference: When God codes His people, He does so to protect them, but when Satan codes people, he does so to afflict them. Revelation 7:3, “Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads.” This instructio­n was given to certain angelic beings. Sexual immorality hands one over to demonic angels for demonic coding. Implicatio­ns Of Satanic Coding

• You receive persistent attacks from Satan.

• You come under Satan’s ownership and as such, he lays claim over your life, whether you are living or dead.

• You are constantly monitored from their satanic satellite.

• You get what you never bargained for in life.

What Is In A Kiss

Do you know that merely kissing a person can get your soul tied, demonicall­y coded and covenanted? When your saliva mixes with a satanic agent, it can cast spells, and the beginning of sorrows. Saliva in the mouth of an agent is a deadly poison. Remember Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. That kiss was a coding for Christ to be easily identified from the crowd. Thereafter, they laid hold of Him for crucifixio­n. When a satanic agent kisses you and releases saliva into your system, only God can deliver you from destructio­n. Yet, sexual slaves and careless, carefree people kiss mouth to mouth freely, not knowing that they are receiving the kiss of death. Some beautifull­y painted mouths are entrance to hell fire and admission into several kinds of bondages. Some kisses are actually more dangerous than the very act of sexual immorality, depending on whom you are kissing. Proverbs 7:10,13,22,23.

Do not allow these satanic agents to use your soul and donate your blood to fill their blood banks and fulfill their vows unto Satan. What lives inside deep ditches and narrow pits are often very dangerous. The mouth of a satanic agent can be likened to a deep ditch or a narrow pit. Their tongue can be likened to snakes and serpents. Wicked pythons and cobras are found in such ditches and pits. Beware! Proverbs 23:27-28, Ecclesiast­es 10:8.

Carriers and distributo­rs of the poison of sexual slavery are many. Mere contact with such agents through kissing and immoral acts leaves one a victim. These agents are everywhere now, in high places such as institutio­ns, government­s, and churches. They initiate people into sexual slavery by satanic soul-ties, satanic coding and satanic covenants.

Satanic Or Ungodly Soul Ties

The soul, which is the immaterial part of a living man, oc- cupies a very sensitive position. It lies between the spirit and the body. The centrality of the soul makes it a very vital medium; through which whatever is received in the spirit is transferre­d to the body of man.

“Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, EVEN AS thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 Soul Ties

Each sex act with sex partners brings about a new tie. To tie means to bind or yoke together into a singular unit. It is to integrate two separate entities into one. “What? Know ye not that he, which is joined to a harlot, is one body? For two, saith he shall be one flesh,” 1 Corinthian­s 6:16.

Looking at the positive soul tie between David and Jonathan, “And it came to pass… that the soul of Jonathan was knit (tied) with the soul of David. And Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Then Jonathan and David made covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.” 1 Samuel 18:1,3.

A covenant and soul tie was formed between these two men that caused David to acquire from Jonathan what he never qualified for. Every good thing that Jonathan had was transferre­d to David.

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