The Guardian (Nigeria)

Born Again ( 2)

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

- By Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

INJN 4: 24, Jesus said, “God is Spirit.” This means God is not a physical being with a physical body limited to one place. He is present everywhere. Read Psalm 139— God is omnipresen­t. In Gen 1: 26, God gave to human beings the image in which He was to appear visibly to them ( Gen 18: 1- 2) and the form that His Son would one day assume ( Luke 1: 35; Phil 2: 7; Heb 10: 5). To have the Holy Spirit is to have Jesus in Spirit form. Jesus called the Holy Spirit “another Comforter” ( Jn 14: 16)

“Comforter,” Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as “another Comforter” ( Gk allon parakl - ton). “Counselor” ( Gk paraklç - tos) in classical Greek denoted someone called or sent to help. It was sometimes used in a technical sense as a counselor or spokespers­on, not in a legal sense, but as a friend coming alongside to help. In John’s Gospel, it has that common everyday meaning of “helper.” Jesus called the Holy Spirit “another” ( Gk allon, “another of the same kind”) helper. Jesus was, indeed, the helper of the disciples. He touched the weakness of Peter’s mother- inlaw and gave her strength for service ( Mark 1: 31). He spoke to the helpless man at the pool and gave him strength to take up his bed and walk ( John 5: 89). Whenever the disciples were discourage­d, tired or at odds with one another, He gave them unfailing help by example, teaching and miracle. He was always there when they needed Him. Jesus further told His disciples that it was to their advantage for Him to go away, for only then would He send the parakl tos to them ( John 16: 7). He, i. e., the Holy Spirit, would bring a closer relationsh­ip to Jesus and make His power available to them wherever they were or went. God became a man in Jesus, so that Jesus could die for our sins. Jesus rose from the dead to offer salvation to all people through spiritual renewal and rebirth. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, His physical presence left the earth, but He promised to send the Holy Spirit, so that His spiritual presence would still be among mankind ( see Luke 24: 49). The Holy Spirit first became available to all believers at Pentecost ( Acts 2). Whereas in Old Testament days, the Holy Spirit empowered specific individual­s for specific purposes, now all believers have the power of the Holy Spirit available to them. For more on the Holy Spirit, read Jn 14: 16- 28; 16: 5- 15; Luke

24: 49; Acts 1: 4- 8; Romans 8: 9; 1 Corinthian­s 12: 13; and 2 Corinthian­s 1: 22; Ephesians 1: 13,14.

For the New Testament Christian, the most important thing about the Spirit is not his power ( Acts 1: 8), but that He is “Holy.” His holy character, along with the manifestat­ion of that holy character in the lives of believers, is what matters most ( cf. Rom 1: 4; Gal 5: 22- 26).

• Other names for the Holy Spirit

In the OT the Holy Spirit is referred to as The Spirit of God ( Gen 1: 2; 41: 38; 1 Sam

19: 20; 23; 2 Chro 15: 1; Spirit of the LORD ( Judge 6: 34; 11: 29; 13: 25; 14: 6,19; 15: 14,19; 1 Kgs

22: 24; 2 Chr 11: 23; 20: 14; Is

40: 13; 48: 16; 59: 19; 61: 1; 63: 14; Ezek 11: 5,24; Counsellor ( Is 40: 13)

In the NT, The Holy Spirit is also called Spirit of God ( Mat 3: 16; 12: 28; Rom 8: 2, 91: 14;

15: 19; 1 Cor 2: 11, 14; 6: 11; 7: 40; Eph 4: 30; 1 Jn 4: 2

Spirit of your Father ( Mat

10: 20)

Spirit of the Lord ( Lk 4: 18; 2 Cor 3: 18)

God is Spirit ( Jn 4: 24) Another Helper ( Jn 14: 16) NKJV

Another Comforter ( Jn 14: 16) KJV

Email: mercyolumi­de2004@ yahoo. co. uk www. thebiblica­lwomanhood. com Mobile: + 234 803 344 6614; + 234 808 123 7987

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