The Guardian (Nigeria)

Gunmen kill two Immigratio­n officers, abduct Yuguda’s ex- aide in Katsina, Bauchi

Terrorists storm Yobe community for food

- From Danjuma Michael ( Katsina), Rauf Oyewole ( Bauchi) and Njadvara Musa ( Damaturu)

GUNMEN, yesterday, killed two officers of the Nigeria Immigratio­n Service ( NIS) in Katsina State, after another gang kidnapped erstwhile aide to former Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State.

The officers, Umar Kankara and Lauwali Dutse, were killed by the bandits yesterday about 12.05a. m., at Kadobe village in Jibia Local Council, Katsina.

But a gunfire exchange that followed the incident reportedly left several of the bandits dead, and others with gunshot wounds.

A soldier on reinforcem­ent, who was shot in the thigh, is receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre ( FMC), Katsina, The Guardian was told.

According to a security source, NIS has a base in Kadobe village where the incident occurred, and that the area is haven for herdsmen and their animals.

Spokespers­on for the

Immigratio­n in the state, Illyasu Kasimu, said he was not authorised to speak on the matter. He, however, promised to revert if necessary.


LSO, erstwhile Senior Special Assistant on Youth to former Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State, Uba Boris, was kidnapped on Wednesday evening.

It was gathered that Uba, who was also Director of the State Vocational Centre in the Yuguda administra­tion, was picked up around

CBN Roundabout in Bauchi metropolis about 8p. m.

Witnesses said the abductors were trailing him on two power bikes until they got to Nasarawa gate where they stopped him and bundled him into a waiting car and drove away.

The residents said there were gunshots into the air till the abductors zoomed off.

The Police Public Relations Officer ( PPRO), Ahmed Wakil, has yet to respond to messages send to him till press time.

 ?? PHOTO: LUCY LADIDI ATEKO ?? Chairman, Independen­t National Electoral Commission ( INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu ( right); Chairperso­n, Malawi Electoral Commission ( MEC), Dr. Chifundo Kachale; and INEC Commission­er, Prof. Okechukwu Ibeanu, at a meeting with MEC team at the INEC Headquarte­rs in Abuja… yesterday.
PHOTO: LUCY LADIDI ATEKO Chairman, Independen­t National Electoral Commission ( INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu ( right); Chairperso­n, Malawi Electoral Commission ( MEC), Dr. Chifundo Kachale; and INEC Commission­er, Prof. Okechukwu Ibeanu, at a meeting with MEC team at the INEC Headquarte­rs in Abuja… yesterday.

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