The Guardian (Nigeria)

RESTORATIO­N HOUR Walking In The Light ( 9)

- By Abel Ukachi Amadi • Prayer lines: 0803329982­4. E- mail: amadiabelu­kachi@ gmail. com. Rev. ( Dr.) Abel Ukachiamad­i, General Superinten­dent Assemblies of God, Nigeria.

Key Verse: 1 John 1: 55: “This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all,” ( NKJV).


HE Christian life journey commences when someone accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour, but it continues beyond that point. Next is that the person begins to walk in the light of God and grow in the knowledge of God and in the Spirit. If he continues to follow the Holy Spirit guidance and leading, he shall experience greater dimension of spiritual life and experience. There is much more excitement in God as you ever think of, but it demands that

Text: 1 John 1: 5- 7; Genesis 1: 3

you go deeper in Christ. It calls for person al devotion and drawing close to God. The secret of drawing down the presence of God is by drawing close to God. One needs to go beyond spiritual infancy and grow into spiritual maturity. This is a product of daily walk ( fellowship) with God through diligent study of His Word, regular fervent prayer and sincere fellowship with brethren. There is no darkness in God. This means there is not one spot of sin in God. God is perfectly holy and perfectly just and He has nothing in common with darkness. When you walk in the light as a child of God, you will have nothing to do with darkness because you have been rescued from the darkness of sin.

To walk in the light is to put off any form of appearance of evil that will make people to question your identity. Our walk should match our talk. To claim you belong to God, but then you go out and live in sin is hypocritic­al. Truth properly held always exhibits itself in obedience. A test of truth is not merely belief; it is action, deeds and conduct. You cannot say you are walking in the light and at the same time displaying the deeds of darkness. The evidence must be clear that you hate iniquity and love righteousn­ess.

Walking in the light exposes every stain of sin in our lives and brings us to a point of making it right with God. The great thing about the blood of Jesus is that it cleanses us from all sins. As you walk in the light, the blood of Jesus operates to keep you constantly cleansed from the stain of sin and its condemnati­on. We are called to be in fellowship with Jesus. Your life should be about what He wants you to do, what His mission and calling is for your life. If we are walking in the light, there will be certain characteri­stics that will be evident in our lives. Paul calls these characteri­stics "the fruit of the spirit."

The fruit of the spirit are listed in Galatians 5: 22- 23 and they include love, joy, peace, forbearanc­e, kindness, goodness, faithfulne­ss, gentleness and self- control. The real test of being a Christian is fruit. These characteri­stics help us inspect our lives.

Walking in the light produces goodness. It has to do with treating others in love and it also speaks of godliness in the motives,

thoughts and actions. Walking in the light produces righteousn­ess. To live right is being different and living like Jesus Christ. At salvation, we were called out of darkness into light. Every believer is to walk in a new life as directed by the Spirit of God, and not in sinful pleasures as demanded by the flesh. Walking in the light of God produces personal integrity, honesty, reliabilit­y and trustworth­iness. These are proofs that a person has met with Jesus.

Today’s nugget: Walking in a new life

Prayer: Lord help me to grow in my daily walk with You.

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