The Guardian (Nigeria)

Walking in the Light ( Part 13)

Key Verse: 1 John 1: 5, “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” ( KJV)

- By Abel Ukachi Amadi

WALKING in the light of God is a personal and spiritual journey that involves developing a deeper relationsh­ip with God and living in accordance with His teachings. Set aside time each day to pray, meditate, and read scripture. This will help you connect with God and deepen your understand­ing of the Word of God. Strive to live according to God's teachings, which include love, forgivenes­s, compassion, and honesty. This involves treating others with kindness and respect, and making choices that align with God's values. The sobering call today is to walk in the light. Many Christians seem to have given up the call to walk in the light as Christ is in the light, letting light shine on the truth and falsehood of what is going on in the world around them.

In 1 John Chapter 1, comes a claim of what God is. The Bible said that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. John is not putting this in the form of a simile. A “simile” is an explicit comparison.

That would be “God is LIKE light.” So when John says “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all,” he’s using a metaphor— but he’s making a substantiv­e theologica­l claim. If you have a dark place, say a closet, and you shine a light inside, it’s not dark any more. The light eliminates the darkness. On the other hand, if you have a place full of light, like a room with windows on a bright sunny day, you can’t come in and shine a bunch of darkness around, eliminatin­g the light. Light is a presence. Darkness, on the other hand, is an absence— an absence of light. This metaphor points to something substantia­l, about the reality of God. God is light. God’s very nature is to shine and reveal, to make plain so we see and understand and find our way. This is the one with whom John says we are to be in fellowship ( 1 John 1: 6). John says, “If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live according to the truth.” What does it mean to walk in the darkness? First John 2: 8– 11 give some real clear indication­s. It says that he who hates his brother is in the darkness and he who loves his brother abides in the light. Walking in the light means being a loving person and walking in the darkness means being a person of hate. When you walk in darkness, you are controlled by the desires of the flesh. This is the very opposite of what it means to have fellowship with God. Walking in the light means living under the controllin­g desire for God instead of the world. The way God desires for us to walk as children of the light is to bring the

light of God everywhere we go. Let’s bring the brightness of His holiness and let it shine in the corners of ungodly wickedness.

We are children of light. We are alive, risen, and seated with Christ in the Heavenly places. Endeavor to pursue godliness and being a child of God in truth and in spirit. Daily, we must be willing to radically amputate and purge the darkness from our life. Do not walk in darkness, but walk in the light as children of light.

• Today’s Nugget: Walk in the light as children of light. Prayer: Lord help me to shine as light. Prayer lines: 0803329982­4. Email: amadiabelu­kachi@ gmail. com. Rev. Dr. Abel Ukachiamad­i, General Superinten­dent, Assemblies of God Nigeria

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