The Guardian (Nigeria)

In And Out Of Season ( 1)


PAUL, before his death and departure charged Timothy to preach the word, “to be ready in season and out of season.” Other translatio­ns of this text elucidate the importance of being committed and consistent in preaching the gospel.

The Passion Translatio­n of 2Timothy 4: 2 reads: “Proclaim the word of God and stand upon it no matter what! Rise to the occasion and preach when it is convenient and when it is not. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spirit — with wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people.”

The Amplified edition reads: “Preach the word ( as an official messenger); be ready when the time is right and even when it is not ( keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunit­y seems favourable or unfavorabl­e, whether convenient or inconvenie­nt, whether welcome or unwelcome); correct ( those who err in doctrine or behavior), warn ( those who sin), exhort and encourage ( those who are growing toward spiritual maturity), with inexhausti­ble patience and ( faithful) teaching.”

The gospel is not a message of convenienc­e; it is a command with urgency attached to it. It should be preached at all costs, using all a vailable means. The phrase, “in season and out of season” implies ever y season of the year, whether summer, winter, autumn and spring. It also implies that no matter the changes that may take place in the world or our environmen­t, the gospel is still relevant and must be preached. We live in an ever- changing world, but the gospel is changeless. As the Amplified edition puts it: “Be ready when the time is right and even when it is not ( keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunit­y seems favourable or unfavourab­le, whether convenient or inconvenie­nt, whether welcome or unwelcome).”

Paul’s reason for giving Timothy this charge was because; “( For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths, ( 2 Timothy 4 : 3 - 4 NLT ).

Paul, most certainly, foresaw the social media age when the public space would be awash with all kinds of teachers and preachers proclaimin­g unsound doctrine. Unless, we preach the good news, fake and anti- Christ gospel will flood the void. Already, we are seeing the unpreceden­ted rise of false teachers and preachers making headlines, positionin­g themselves as genuine and authentic.

We are always full of excuses as to why we cannot do evangelism. It is either due to inclement weather or that the people are indifferen­t or not interested. But Paul’s command is, “in season and out of season.”

At this time of terrible crisis in Nigeria, and all over the world, nothing shines brighter like the gospel of Jesus Christ. The light of the gospel shines brighter when there is crisis and when there is pitch darkness. It shines most when there is utter hopelessne­ss and insecurity. Our gospel is a message of hope and comfort.

In the Acts of the Apostles, the disciples preached the word under different circumstan­ces and situations, u nder favourable and unfavourab­le times, with results. We have the command to preach the word of God at all times. Unless we do this, we shall miss out on the opportunit­y the Holy Spirit gives to us to win souls.

The disciples made it a habit to preach the gospel wherever and whenever the opportunit­y presented itself. They seized any opportunit­y to make Christ known to their audience.

• Contact: pastoracuk­achi@ gmail. com

 ?? ?? By Austen C. Ukachi
By Austen C. Ukachi

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