The Guardian (Nigeria)

Abure, NLC struck pact in 2022, classified document claims

You’re a bad student of history, LP tells labour centre

- From John Akubo, Abuja

THERE seems no end in sight on the dispute between Labour Party ( LP) and the Nigeria Labour Congress ( NLC), as the party’s suspended National Treasurer, Oluchi Okpara, has leaked a document that confirmed that the labour centre had a pact with the newly elected national chairman, Julius Abure.

The political wing of the union, at a stakeholde­rs’ meeting, had reportedly sacked Abure and his National Working Committee ( NWC) members, declaring the recent convention in Nnewi, Anambra State that returned them as kangaroo.

A decision termed illegal by Abure and his leadership.

The classified informatio­n indicated that there was a dispute between the duo, which was mediated by the Independen­t National Electoral Commission ( INEC) in 2022, showing Abure’s signature of LP and that of the NLC boss, Ayuba Wabba.

Titled “Report of Mediated Settlement between The Nigeria Labour Congress and the Labour Party by the Independen­t National Electoral Commission,

Zambezi Crescent Maitama, Abuja, the document reads in part: “We bring you fraternal greetings from the Nigeria Labour Congress ( NLC) and the Labour Party ( LP). “We write to inform you that the mediation initiative brokered by INEC in the dispute between the NLC and LP has been successful­ly consummate­d on the 27th of June 2022.

“The consummati­on of the resolution is establishe­d in terms of settlement, which was willingly reached without any duress whatsoever between the two parties, the NLC and Labour Party, and validated by the signatures of the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Comrade Ayuba Wabba, and National Chairman of Labour Party, Barrister Julius Abure, General Secretary of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Comrade Emmanuel Ugboaja, and the National Secretary of the Labour Party, Alhaji Umar Farouk Ibrahim.”

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