

• Healing Stripes Hospital – where free dialysis are provided.

• Scholarshi­p Funds – to help the less privilege.

I am also the Chairman of the Business Networks RCCG, City of David – a platform designed to empower members and the population at large with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in business. The Network has over the years, graduated over 1,000 members in direct area of entreprene­urial endeavour.

How would you define success?

In my opinion, success is simply being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy and loved. It is the ability to reach your goals in life and add value to others.

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome?

After spending nearly four decades in the dynamic banking industry, it is impossible to say there weren’t challenges. In hindsight some of these challenges have turned out to be stepping stones to learning experience­s that opened up new levels in my personal, career and even spiritual growth. In Psalm 91:15, God says He will deliver us from trouble/challenges and honour us.

How do you keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developmen­t in the banking industry?

I am a voracious reader. I have great passion for learning and knowledge. The banking industry, like every other, is very dynamic. Therefore, I attend courses and read materials that help me keep abreast of developmen­ts in the sector.

My many years in the banking sector has made it almost impossible not to keep up with the latest trends and developmen­t. Especially after working at the Apex bank, the vantage point to banking trends and developmen­ts never really goes away.

Why are you passionate about leadership?

According to John Maxwell, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts but it’s about one life influencin­g another.” Leadership for me, is simply about influence - about how you influence others positively to follow the right values to improve society.

Leadership is about growing others. As a leader, you attract great people and know how to develop and retain them. “The growth and developmen­t of people is the highest calling of leadership” – Harvey Firestone.

You are passionate about education and set up an education fund for your community. How is that going and what motivated it?

As I mentioned before, I love education. I am passionate about learning and even teaching. The best gift I could possibly share with my community are certainly these things that I know hold the key to unlocking their massive potential for Nigeria and even the world at large.

In 2006, I setup a trust fund to help educate years? gifted children in my community. This initiative actually encouraged the children to enroll into school. However, six years after, unfortunat­ely, some of the trustees diverted the funds which made me quite livid. As a result, it is currently being restructur­ed into a larger regional initiative with some stern controls and more rigid governance.

Who or what has shaped who you are?

My father of blessed memory was my role model. He had a very significan­t influence in my life. In addition, my personal relationsh­ip with God and trust in Him, meeting my wife and even my work ethos - all have shaped the man I am today.

At 70 your mum is still alive. She must have been very happy during your 70th. To what extent has her influence been on your life.

My mother is truly special. She has sacrificed so much for me and my siblings growing up and we owe her so much. To see her next to me celebratin­g this milestone birthday, is only by the Grace of God. He has miraculous­ly kept her away from evil and kept her in good health to celebrate with me. I am extremely happy and honoured.

What do you find most endearing about your wife and how have you kept the flame alive after all these

My wife is adorable and vivacious. She is my jewel of inestimabl­e value. Her attributes of poise, tenacity, focus, beauty and excellent spirit are legendary. Always supportive in prayers and taking care of the children, grandchild­ren and the extended family.

She is my greatest fan and cheerleade­r and the epitome of a helpmeet.

We have kept our relationsh­ip waxing strong by building mutual trust and sharing every available moment together. She is a virtuous woman and above all, she loves God. In Proverbs 18:22, it says, “He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from God.

Is it true that she is the only real thing that you have really chased after in life? That all the other things, appointmen­ts, have chased after you instead?

Indeed, I never thought of it until she said it during her speech tribute on my 70th birthday. It is a statement of fact (Laughter). I had mentioned the fact that I am a child of destiny, a product of amazing grace. The hand of God has been in my life almost similar to David’s story in the Bible. The Scripture says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you.” Sincerely, I see this verse in the Bible, playing out every day in my life.

My sole advice remains to not rush the process of rising in the ranks. Be a marathon runner and not a sprinter. Work diligently and in honesty consistent­ly and you will be rewarded in due time. Also continuous learning, reading relevant materials and on the job experience are essential.

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