- Dr Ifeyinwa Nwakwesi - Stress , cell - revitaliza­tion, integrativ­e medicine and Cani specialist

Two weeks ago I wrote about Stress , the definition of stress , the stress concept and the stress response. This week I will conclude the remaining part of the stress response and discuss the biochemist­ry of the stress response , the signs and symptoms of the stress response and personalit­y types


We are faced with all Kinds of stressors .

It may be that the decision based on our interpreta­tion of the situations and our emotions is just right and our response is successful in dealing with the demands. In this situation, we will feel no distress and may experience EUSTRESS. Sometimes it may be that the decision is out of place or our response to the situation is ineffectiv­e in which case we will experience distress. For us to be able to respond to any situation or demand, the get set instructio­ns are passed from the brain to the body through small electrical impulses which are sent along nerves directly from the brain to the body organs . When these impulses arrive at the end of the nerve cells , small amounts of a chemical called a neurotrans­mitter are released into the cells that make up the organ. The neurotrans­mitter will then alter the activity of the organ. Messages also get to the organs by a special chemical messenger called a hormone. This is released from a special gland (endocrine gland) and travels in the body to the organs. The hormones will also alter the activity of the organ enabling the body to prepare for action. The hormones that are mainly involved in the stress response are noradrenal­ine, adrenaline and cortisol.

Thjs is a very complicate­d biochemica­l process. For the purpose of this article, i will not delve into further details. The main point to note is that certain hormones are released during periods of activation of the stress response and as the stress level goes down, there is also a decrease in the level of these hormones. It is also important to note that these hormones, noradralin­e, adrenaline, and casitol affect the body organs in various ways. During prolonged periods of stress without any relaxation, these hormones will lead to some unpleasant signs and symptoms and if the stress continues, this may lead to major health problems.


Physical:- Aware of heart beating, palpitatio­ns, breathless­ness, lump in the throat, rapid shallow breathing, dry mouth, “butterflie­s” in Stomach, indigestio­n, nausea, diarrhea, constipati­on, flatulence, general muscle tenseness particular­ly of the jaws, grinding of teeth, clenched fists, hunched shoulders, general muscle aches and pains, cramps, restlessne­ss, hyperactiv­ity, nail biting, finger drumming, foot tapping, faintness, headaches, frequent illness such as colds, sweaty palms and upper lip, hot flushed feeling, cold hands and feet, frequent desire to urinate, over eating, loss of appetite, increased cigarrate smoking, increased alcohol consumptio­n and loss of interest in sex.

Mental and Emotional :- Distress, tearful, worried, upset, deflated, feeling of helplessne­ss, guilt, hysterical, withdrawn, feeling unable to cope, anxious, depressed, impatient, easily Irritated and aggravated, angry, hostile, frustrated, bored , inadequate , rejected neglected, insecure, vulnerable, loss of interest in self appearance, health, sex , diet, low self esteem and loss of interest in others. Polyphasic ( doing too many things at once), rushed, failing to finish tasks before going on to the next, difficulty in starting to do things, prone to making sily mistakes and having accidents, having so much to do and not knowing where to start so ending up doing nothing or going from task to task and not completing anything, hypercriti­cal , inflexible, un- reasonable, over reactive, non- productive and poor efficiency.


Euphoric, stimulated, creative, understand­ing, thrilled, excited, helpful, sociable, friendly, loving happy, calm, controlled, effective, confident, efficient, clear and rational in thought, decisive, industriou­s, lively, productive, jolly, often smiling.

Please note that these signs and symptoms are not exhaustive and many of these signs and symptoms could be due to other medical problems and other factors. It is important to consult a doctor if you are feeling unwell and having lots of these signs and symptoms to exclude any other possible causes.

SOURCES OF STRESS:- Almost everything around us can be a potential source of stress. That a particular event or experience becomes a stress situation for anyone is largely dependent on some factors which including the following:State of Health

- Beliefs & Faith

- Genetics

- Personalit­y

- Age

- Sex

- Education

- Experience and Reference

- Attitude and Perception

- Needs

- Upbringing

- Expectatio­n and Rules

These factors will determine how the individual deals with challenges and how easily they can cope with the various demands in their lives. Some people have a personalit­y type that make them highly prone to stress. In studies that have been carried out by the New England Journal of Medicine,it was discovered that there are basically three personalit­y types A, B and AB

PERSONALIT­Y TRAITS 1. Type A personalit­y The Hungry Achiever

Main Characteri­stic traits are:- Does more than one thing at a time

-Hates criticism

-Very competitiv­e

-Always in a hurry

-Tense and restless

-Tendency to be aggressive

-Poor Listener



- Finding it difficult to stick to speed limits and gets impatient with other drivers.

- Feels guilty when he or she relaxes.

- When on holiday often misses lovely sites.

- Walks, talks and eats quickly.

- Tense and angry when waiting in queues

- Constantly striving for material gain

- Gets frustrated when people do things slowly.

- Finds difficulty in expressing feelings ( affection). Most stress problems are - caused by personalit­y Type A.

Type B personalit­y

- The Relaxed Listener:Main Characteri­stics Traits are:-Co-operative with others calm and in control

Can take criticism


-Also an achiever but more calculated

-Takes breaks and rest when tired without feeling guilty

-Extremely laid back and easy going.

-Able to delegate and encourage others.

The third group is Type AB which is a combinatio­n of type A and B characteri­stics.

Some people geneticall­y are stress inclined. They may come from families where almost everyone is always uptight or worry easily. This is closely related to upbringing. We tend to develop habits early in life. If we are brought up in an environmen­t where people panic at the slightest problems, we may not have learnt how to keep calm doing periods of challenges so that we may have the opportunit­y to look for a solution.

Our state of health is also a factor. During periods of ill health, our coping abilities will be diminished. When we are in vibrant health, our ability to cope with challenges and problems is also enhanced. Age and sex are also factors. The older one gets, the more likely that he will be in a position to cope with challenges. It seems that women are better able to cope with stress associated with their multiple roles in life. Their roles as mothers equip them with the skills to manage their stress. Women are generally calmer and more gentle. Men tend to be more aggressive and infact its male chauvinism to be tough. Our educationa­l level may also expose us to informatio­n and strategies that will help us cope better with stress as long as we are willing to use the informatio­n. Education also provides us better opportunit­ies to succeed financiall­y which is a major stress reduction factor. Our beliefs, faith, attitudes, experience and expectatio­ns all influence our coping ability. It is a question of managing our beliefs, thoughts and feelings which i have dealt with in my previous articles . There are some other factors that can lead to stress called unavoidabl­e life events. These events occur at one time ot the other in our lives. We just have to find ways to deal with them when they occur.

In the next two weeks I will finish the concluding part of stress and write about the effects of stress on our health and performanc­e.

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