
What things have you learnt about turning 50 that you probably didn’t think much about when you were 40?

Things I have learnt is that being yourself is imperative. Living life to the fullest is non-negotiable.

Everyone usually has a bucket list. What boxes are you yet to tick so far?

The boxes I am yet to tick are being an air hostess even if for a day, (laughter) and running a full marathon.

They say with age come maturity and some level of boldness. What key things matter most to you now that didn’t hold such importance a few decades back?

The key things that matter most now are continuing to dedicate myself to causes I am passionate about, contributi­ng positively to the Nigeria of my dreams.

You look very good for your age and could easily pass for 40. No doubt, older men as well as younger men are bound to admire you. Have you been approached by younger men and if so, would you ever consider dating someone 5-10 years younger?

Yes, I have been approached by younger men. Yes I would consider it especially if the mind is mature and God is the source.

If you were to advice younger women who look up to you, how best will you advice them about being in a good place?

Advice to younger women will be not to be pressured to be what they are not or live a lifestyle they cannot afford nor maintain. Use your youth judiciousl­y.

You’re always glowing and happy which is an empirical evidence that certain things are going well for you. Where do you draw your strength and happiness from?

My strength and happiness from my Creator. From my daughter, from my family. I have gone through a lot but it didn’t break me. I am

My strength and happiness from my Creator. From my daughter, from my family. I have gone through a lot but it didn’t break me. I am still standing and that alone, gladdens me always.

still standing and that alone,gladdens me always.

Some people think you’re a temperamen­tal person when they see you through your roles in movies, especially when you tend to interchang­e being mean and soft so perfectly. Would you say these roles are somewhat a reflection of your real personalit­y?

I am not a mean nor temperamen­tal person. My roles in movies are different from Kate. I do however get irritated when people don’t do the right things.

It’s a well-known fact that you studied microbiolo­gy. What then, influenced you to pursue a career as an actor? Any regrets choosing acting instead of a career in the medical field?

I was inquisitiv­e. Invited by the late JT Tom West. Attended an audition and here I am today. No regrets whatsoever.

How do you mitigate disagreeme­nts between yourself and directors or with other actors on set?

Respect is one thing I hold dearly. Respect for experience, skill and colleagues. Mostly dealing with people in a manner that is not offensive.

Describe your most challengin­g role till date?

There are two; Eringa in Stronger Than Pain. Inspector Folashade in the Ghost and The House of Truth. Both won me awards both locally and internatio­nally.

As an actor, between “Talent” and “Training”, which do you believe is most needed to succeed in the movie industry?

Training. You get to learn, relearn, hone your craft and skill.

What is your secret in perfecting your movie roles? Your versatilit­y is often remarkable, in some movies where you’re the victim, you cry, in movies where you’re the victor, you’re mean. In all, you blend perfectly, how do you achieve that?

By watching other actors both local and internatio­nal. I also believe that mine is a gift from God which I owe to myself to keep the fire burning.

What is the hardest decision you have had to make in life?

Getting a divorce.

You have an advocate against sexual and domestic violence, if you were the president of Nigeria what will be your judicial decision on such offenders ?

My judicial decision on sexual and domestic violence would be a life sentence or castration. We need tougher penalties to end the scourge.

If you were to start a charity organizati­on or an NGO , what will it focus on and why ?

If I were to start an NGO, it will focus on Women and Children. They always get the short end of the stick and are regarded less than human in most societies.

You are 50 now, are you in a relationsh­ip and finally is your door still open to romance and marriage?

Not in a relationsh­ip and yes my door remains open to especially romance.

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