To Japa or Not?


Reading Yomi Owope’s piece on the Nigeria-Canada export certainly struck a chord with me! Everyone knows someone - a friend, relative or co-worker - who has recently packed up and left the country in search of greener pastures. It’s become the all too familiar story, and their reasons are pretty much the same: a better life, safety and security, and wanting to do better for their children.

For many us, moving abroad with no plans to return has become a life-goal. It’s now a normal thing for religious houses to organise prayers for people applying for visas. The desperatio­n has spawned a convoluted value chain of middle men from the passport office all the way till you finally get to the airport, if you ever get there. Today, it’s a normal thing to have a plan B, even when choosing whom to marry.

What I what to ask though is this: Is the grass really greener on the other side? Is it worth the mental, emotional and financial hits you will get along the way? You are literally starting life all over again! For many, it’s a resounding YES! We all have friends who have vowed not to return to Nigeria’s wahala, and family abroad asking, “when are you coming?”

But despite the challenges and the fear of the unknown, that scintillat­ing possibilit­y of a life abroad remains a strong pull for many young Nigerians and those approachin­g middle age. Many who have left don’t plan to return; neither will their children, who will be raised as citizens of another country. Anyway, whether you want to japa or stay, remember that life is for living, so make it count.

It’s been an eventful week in Nigeria! We try to capture all in our popular “10 Things” column. Also, this week, we highlight Banke Kuku, the eponymous brand shaping modern African fashion. Don’t forget to check out your personal guide to the Lagos night life scene.

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