You Got This !

- K onye

Can you believe it? It’s June already! It feels like just yesterday we were bidding farewell to the old year and eagerly embracing the new one, full of hopes, dreams, and aspiration­s. Yet, here we are, six months into 2023, marvelling at how swiftly time has flown by. The month of June took off with a somewhat rocky start for us Nigerians, as we are already experienci­ng the ripple effect from the removal of fuel subsidy. The dreaded queues at the filling stations and the subsequent transport fare hikes have us all feeling the pinch. I know it’s difficult to stay positive at this time, but please, let’s not allow these initial challenges to dampen our spirits. It’s time to tap into the resilient spirit we are known for. In the face of adversity, Nigerians have always risen above and conquered. We have weathered storms and emerged stronger on the other side. This is an opportune moment to readjust our lifestyles and trim down unnecessar­y expenses. Let’s take a closer look at our daily expenditur­es and identify areas where we can be more prudent. We can navigate these uncertain times more effectivel­y by consciousl­y prioritisi­ng our needs over wants. However, it is crucial not to bear the burden alone. We need our government to play its part in ensuring a stable and prosperous future for all Nigerians. We have elected them into power; now it’s time to hold them accountabl­e. Let us remind them of their responsibi­lities and demand transparen­cy and good governance. Together, we can create an environmen­t where our voices are heard and our concerns addressed.

This is also a good time to reassess our goals for the year. Remember, it’s never too late to start anew. Take a moment to reflect on the targets you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Are they still relevant? Do they align with the changing circumstan­ces? If not, don’t hesitate to readjust your goals. Flexibilit­y is key to adapting to the ever-evolving world.

To everyone reading this, I wish you all the best for the month of June. May you end the first half of the year on a high note, embracing the opportunit­ies that lie ahead. Remember, your dreams are within reach, and together we can achieve greatness with unwavering hope and determinat­ion.



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