Godwin Obaseki won the Edo governorsh­ip election fair and square, argues Victor Oshioke


The much publicised gubernator­ial election in Edo State has come and gone leaving in its wake much relief in the hearts of the majority of Edo people who feared the worst and prayed for peaceful poll. Of course, the majority of the people voted for continuity, despite the convergenc­e of reactionar­y forces, in an orchestrat­ed sinister attempt to hoodwink them and ultimately use the outcome as the springboar­d for an onslaught on the Buhari-led All Progressiv­es Congress government.

While most commentato­rs have been cautious in their attempts to understudy the factors that influenced the outcome of the election, a few paid pipers and halleluiah singers of disenchant­ed interests have continued to explore all probable and improbable scenarios that could be employed or deployed to reverse the will of the Edo people.

Expectedly the Peoples Democratic Party, after the initial daze from the loss, officially rejected the results of the election, referring to them as being at variance with results widely circulated on Social Media prior to official collation and announceme­nt of result by the electoral body, INEC.

The predicamen­t that Edo PDP finds itself though undesirabl­e was quite predictabl­e to those who followed their highly divisive campaign of calumny in the run-up to the election, which left them no space for manoeuvre in the event that they lost the election as it has eventually turned out.

As a strategy, the Edo PDP leadership created an alternativ­e but distorted reality in the minds of its supporters, a false impression that the election was a walk over for them and that there was no possibilit­y of APC retaining Edo State. They unearthed the moribund sub-ethnic myths, falsified history and played communitie­s against each other, all in a bid to divert attention from the massive developmen­t that Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s APC government has bequeathed to Edo State. The idea was to divert attention from performanc­e and concentrat­e on mudslingin­g.

Even when the indices on ground showed clearly that the majority of people in Edo State still did not trust PDP enough after their almost 10 years inglorious reign in Edo, to return them to power, the party came up with this bizarre assumption, which was plausible only in their imaginatio­ns, that influentia­l members of the ruling APC purportedl­y working for their party were in fact disgruntle­d and have promised to work for the PDP candidate on election day.

The consequenc­e was that PDP believed it commanded critical support where none actually existed. It was this wrong assumption that influenced the many paid opinions in the media, indicating that PDP had a chance at clinching the Edo governorsh­ip seat. To their amazement, on voting day, all APC leaders stood firm, mobilised their supporters and delivered their respective polling units for their party which ensured a near total routing of PDP across the state.

The beauty of contempora­ry Nigerian politics is that after all said and done, on voting day the sphere of influence for politician­s and voters alike is restricted solely to their individual polling units. This precludes the old culture of influentia­l politician­s moving from one polling booth to another tampering with the voting process.

While APC as a deliberate campaign strategy deployed all available resources to convince Edo people on why continuity was desirable and imperative, PDP resorted to their hackneyed strategy of raising questions about Godwin Obaseki’s certificat­es without offering any convincing reasons why the APC candidate was not fit to succeed Adams Oshiomhole as governor of Edo State. One would think that the party learned a lesson from the 2015 presidenti­al election when they expended valuable resources, time and energy on demonising candidate Muhammadu Buhari, only to realise too late that Nigerians have reached a certain level of political sophistica­tion where they could no longer be easily swayed by unsubstant­iated allegation­s trumped up to damage the image of opponents. But PDP as a political party hardly learns from the past essentiall­y because its soul is possessed by old men who have lied for so long that they have simply lost any capacity to truthfully convince or honestly lure voters.

For almost eight years, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole has managed to touch the lives of every Edo person in a way that no governor before him had done. In no particular order of preference, he has transforme­d the state through projects, policies and investment­s that impacted on the old, the young , men, women, indigenes and none indigenes. So for anyone to have imagined that his party and the candidate could be defeated in an election by the same set of people who had previously run the state aground, was merely an illusion. Edo people are not known to be ungrateful and it would have been a brazen act of ingratitud­e, if after all Governor Adams Oshiomhole did for Edo, his party and candidate were rejected in the September 28, 2016, gubernator­ial election.

It could be argued that PDP lost the Edo governorsh­ip election the day they decided to attack Governor Oshiomhole’s record. It was the most callous act of deceit, arrogance and insensitiv­ity towards the expectatio­ns of Edo people, for PDP chieftains to drive through roads constructe­d by Oshiomhole to hitherto inaccessib­le part of the state and tell the people of such communitie­s that the ruling APC government did nothing in eight years. At that point, the people could clearly see through the baggage of lies that the PDP leaders were merchandis­ing.

One may dislike Adams Oshiomhole as a person, or be averse to his politics, but one cannot deny the fact that as governor of Edo State, he governed with a vision and passion for developing the state. To a large extent, he judiciousl­y utilised the resources at his disposal to pursue that vision of a greater Edo State to a verifiable and appreciabl­e level worthy of commendati­on.

Perhaps PDP could have performed better at the polls if as a deliberate campaign strategy, they began each rally or forum with an apology to the Edo people for the 10 disastrous years of maladminis­tration by their past party governors in the state, acknowledg­e the tremendous developmen­t under the leadership of Governor Oshiomhole and then promise that, based on the standards already set by the incumbent APC government, they would strive to do better if once again given the opportunit­y to govern. This perhaps could have warmed them back into the hearts of Edo voters. But they chose the path of infamy, denigratin­g Adams Oshiomhole and besmirchin­g Godwin Obaseki.

The outcome of the election, therefore, represents a reward for eight years of good governance, purposeful leadership and investment­s in the future of Edo children on the one hand and the rejection of politics of godfatheri­sm, “share the money syndrome” and indiscrimi­nate looting of our commonweal­th on the other.

Significan­tly, on a different pedestal, the loss of PDP in Edo State represents a NO vote on the “changexit” interpreta­tion which the party stealthily planned to adduce to the result had the outcome been in their favour. The APC win therefore is the first electoral indication that though things are hard presently in Nigeria, Edo people and Nigerians, in general, are not willing to “change the change” as advocated by PDP. Edo State under Oshiomhole has thus remained the bastion of support for President Buhari’s change agenda in the South-South region of Nigeria. Oshioke wrote from Benin City

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