Ishaku Charges Traditiona­l Rulers to Curb Influx of Herdsmen into Taraba


Wole Ayodele

Governor Darius Ishaku of Taraba State has directed traditiona­l rulers in the state to be vigilant and curb the influx of herdsmen from Cameroun who come into the state to perpetrate criminal activities.

Ishaku, who gave the directive during the coronation and presentati­on of staff of office to the 3rd Lamdo of Gashaka yesterday charged traditiona­l rulers in the state to be very vigilant and security conscious in a bid to ensure that the influx of people who do not mean well for the state is seriously checked.

The governor, whose directive was loudly applauded by dignitarie­s present at the occasion particular­ly the mammoth crowd, noted that if not checked, the activities of the herdsmen that engage largely in criminal activities could sound the death knell of tourism which the state is desirous of improving and expanding.

According to him, “I want to charge traditiona­l rulers in the state to be vigilant to curb and check the influx of people coming into the state who do not mean well for the state particular­ly herdsmen from Cameroun who largely engage in criminal activities that would discourage tourism which we’re desirous of improving and expanding.”

To achieve the objective, Ishaku tasked all traditiona­l rulers to put machinery in place to check the activities of criminals who hide under the guise of grazing and other farming activities to perpetrate criminal activities in their communitie­s.

He directed that all ward and village heads must be properly briefed and empowered to screen all strangers who are coming into their domains and report their presence to the paramount rulers.

“I appeal to all traditiona­l rulers to put all machinery in place to check the activities of criminals who hide under the guise of grazing and other farming activities to perpetrate criminal activities in their communitie­s. Wards and village heads must be properly briefed and empowered to screen all strangers who are coming into their domains and report their presence to the paramount rulers.”

Besides, Ishaku further directed the wards and village heads to report all suspicious strangers to security agencies saying they must braze up to their responsibi­lities as traditiona­l rulers who are closer to the people.

Similarly, Ishaku stated that it has become imperative to revert to the old traditiona­l way of monitoring people who come into the community through the ‘Mai Angwar,’ stressing that the method must be re-invigorate­d and brought back to the front burner in order to achieve peace that the country seriously desires.

“I would therefore advise that the old traditiona­l way of monitoring people who come into our communitie­s through the Mai Angwas should be re-invigorate­d and in fact brought back to the front burner so that it can help us to achieve the peace we so much desire,” he stated.

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