True Love Actually ...As Wife Celebrates Former Taraba Governor, Danbaba Suntai, on Valentine’s Day


Many a woman would love to peel, and then crush the shell of her love like a garlic clove. That shell is her man. Some would love to grate off their high heels using their matrimony as a pumice stone, and then prance flat-footed on the smithereen­s of wedlock like an infant troll or the belle of an ape.

To these colourful characters, marriage manifests as a prison house from which they can hardly wait to break out; more often than not, they consider their husbands worst personific­ation of the hateful jailer. But that is one class of women.

Through the maze and matrix of matrimony subsists a more pleasant class and breed of women characteri­zed by dashing womanhood and legendary character reminiscen­t of the nurturer women of ancient Africa and Rome.

These women like the medieval vestal virgins cater to the spiritual, emotional and mannish needs and insecuriti­es of their men in deliberate bid to bring about the best fortune and chances for them. And they never rest on their oars, inspiring, supporting and wishing the best chances on their husbands till the latter evolve fully into the best that they could ever become.

Hauwa, the beautiful wife of Danbaba Suntai, former Taraba governor, is one of them. She’s always there for her husband. The former governor was seriously injured when his self-piloted plane crashed in Yola, Adamawa State on October 25, 2012. Since then he has been in and out of hospital. Even though he won the battle for survival, he is still battling to be fully restored to his pre-accident state. But in all these battles, Hauwa has remained solidly by his side.

In fact, at a point, some of his old friends shunned him, leaving him to his fate, consigning all memories of the good times spent with him to the trashcan.

There was a time when Suntai fared pretty well in the political firmament. In the truest sense, he had such a firm grip on Taraba State as the governor; his name rang so reverberat­ingly in the socio-political milieu that the dilettante­s would have mistaken him for a hip-hop star. His contributi­ons were however, not limited to the political sector as he also had a swell time in the city’s social circle. He was always invited as a special guest at many social events and he honoured almost all. He maintained more than a conspicuou­s presence at high-octane social events and political functions. But all that seems to be history now. He is no longer visible on the social radar.

Days ago, he celebrated Valentine in the United States where he’s presently receiving proper medical attention. And conspicuou­sly by his side was Hauwa - a proof that their love is purely made in heaven and she’s ready to be with him for better or worse.

 ??  ?? Danbaba Suntai and wife, Hauwa
Danbaba Suntai and wife, Hauwa

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