
Governor Seriake Dickson is an unusual man. Like an ageless oak, he stood strong and unbending against the tide of scorn and condemnati­ons that trailed his wife’s inability to bear him a child after several years of marriage. The Governor of Bayelsa State never dithered in his resolve nor did dream of taking a trophy wife to fulfill the yearning of his loins. His long wait and loyalty finally paid off as his wife, Rachel, got pregnant with his kids when he least expected. When preliminar­y scan revealed that she was pregnant with his triplets, Dickson was overjoyed. Little wonder he took extra measures to guarantee the safety of his wife and kids. By the time she was to put to bed, he flew her out of the country to the United States where she received ultimate care and treatment until she put to bed in October last year. At her return, Rachel was received by her husband and women of the state in joy and fanfare some days ago. It’s delightful to see her glow with pride and contentmen­t over her latest feat. Her heartfelt wish has been granted and unlike so many of her peers, she never had to endure heartache or abuse from her husband before she bore him children.

But while friends, family and political associates rejoice with the Dicksons, sources close to the family commended the couple for setting a good example by treating each other like special, heavenly gifts all along.

Dickson has been particular­ly commended for exhibiting enviable maturity and tact. While so many other men would have taken mistresses outside wedlock and subjected their wives to emotional and physical torture for failing to bear them children, he lovingly and dutifully stood by his wife. He is indeed a real man, so argued a close relative of the family.

 ??  ?? Seriake Dickson
Seriake Dickson

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