Doctrine Of “Nemo Judex in Causa Sua” in Arbitratio­n Proceeding­s


Mainstream Internatio­nal Arbitratio­n practice is made up of a familiar network of individual­s and law firms within the arbitratio­n community, sometimes as a result of school affiliatio­n, Co-barristers in chambers, previous appointmen­ts or legal representa­tion as counsel. The relationsh­ip between the parties and the arbitrator is usually consensual and contractua­l, in which the arbitrator agrees to settle the dispute between the parties for a certain remunerati­on. However, the judicial nature of the arbitratio­n process, imposes practical limits on the parties’ freedom when choosing the arbitrator­s.

Principles of Internatio­nal Arbitratio­n

As the state lends its authority for enforcemen­t of the awards, it requires that the arbitratio­n proceeding­s, as well as the compositio­n of the tribunal, to meet certain minimum standards, which are considered to be indispensa­ble characteri­stics of fair trial. In keeping with his adjudicato­ry functions, the arbitrator has to maintain his/her impartiali­ty and independen­ce, as well as full and frank disclosure of all relevant facts. A violation of any of these cardinal and universall­y accepted principle of Internatio­nal Arbitratio­n, which are corollary to the competence of the arbitrator, may result in the removal of the arbitrator and possibly annulment of any order reached by way of an award rendered either preliminar­y or final. In some cases, it may also lead to the arbitrator being personally liable for damages depending on the degree of immunity afforded him by the relevant laws. Arbitrator Must Not Have Interest in Dispute The principle of Nemo Judex in Causa

Sua in this context connotes that an arbitrator should not be a judge in his own cause, i.e an arbitrator presiding over a dispute should not have substantia­l interest in the dispute or any of the parties to the dispute, to the extent of influencin­g the outcome, or to be seen to have influenced the outcome of the award. The requiremen­t of disclosure in arbitratio­n proceeding­s, has now formed an integral part of the proceeding­s in order to ensure fairness and transparen­cy. Various arbitratio­n rules provide for obligation of an arbitrator to disclose and the effect of non- disclosure. Article 12 Uncitral Rules for example, provides that any arbitrator may be challenged if circumstan­ces exist that give rise to justiciabl­e doubts as to the arbitrator’s impartiali­ty or independen­ce.

In the context of challengin­g an arbitrator or an award for lack of “independen­ce” or impartiali­ty courts have come to different conclusion­s as to whether arbitrator­s are subjected to the same requiremen­ts of independen­ce and impartiali­ty as Judges. While the US Supreme Court held in 1968 in COMMONWEAL­TH COATINGS v CONTINENTA­L CASUALTY CO. 393 US 145, 149 that arbitrator­s should submit to stricter requiremen­ts than courts, since there is no appeal against their awards, the English Court of Appeal held in AT &T v

SAUDI CABLE (2000) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 127 (CA) that the same requiremen­ts apply. Divergent positions still exist depending on the jurisdicti­on. The underlinin­g considerat­ion is that the arbitrator is not predispose­d as to the question in dispute. However, impartiali­ty must be distinguis­hed from neutrality, as is provided in some types of arbitratio­n such as party-appointed arbitratio­n, i.e., arbitrator­s do not have to be neutral. This does not imply that those arbitrator­s can be biased. It only means that from the legal, social and cultural background, they may be favourably disposed towards the appointing party which may even be necessary to fulfil the special functions of a party appointed arbitrator in an arbitratio­n with parties from different countries. It is the writers position however, that as long as this proximity is not allowed to dictate the outcome of the proceeding­s the so-called lack of neutrality should not impair the impartiali­ty.

Duty to Disclose

Generally, the duty to disclose extends to all informatio­n, which could be brought to the fore by the arbitrator­s before the considerat­ion of the dispute. The big question is what informatio­n is relevant and what is sufficient to justify an objection to the arbitrator. Due to different perception­s as to what facts may be relevant, some institutio­ns prescribe in detail what types of informatio­n is required. Extensive guidelines can be found in Article 4.2 of the IBA Rules of Ethics of Internatio­nal

Arbitrator­s. Disclosure factors are generally profession­al and personal contacts, which the arbitrator has with either or both of the parties. Clearly, if the party arbitrator has advised, represente­d or worked with a party, even many years previously, this might be considered relevant and capable or affecting an award if not disclosed.

Less clear is where a law firm (maybe a global law firm) has previously represente­d a company within a multinatio­nal group where the company concerned and the party to the arbitratio­n has little or no connection other than common shareholdi­ng. It is even likely that the service rendered was in a different jurisdicti­on with respect to transactio­ns unconnecte­d to the dispute, or even before the subsidiary became part of

the group. The reality is that the arbitratio­n community is relatively interconne­cted and in many cases arbitrator­s are selected because the lawyers involved know them, either personally or by profession­al reputation. Frequently, well known arbitrator­s will have to be involved in several arbitratio­ns with the same lawyers, an arbitrator may have been appointed in another case by the lawyer representi­ng the other party. Non-disclosure of facts has been considered to justify the challenge of an arbitrator. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal, Lagos Division per OGAKWU JCA in ADDAX PETROLEUM EXPLORATIO­N (NIG) LTD v PEACEGATE

OIL & GAS LIMITED (unreported) in CA/L/765/2014 delivered on the 10th of March, 2017, expounded this doctrine. The facts culminatin­g to this appeal was a successful challenge by the Respondent at the trial Court of part of the award, after enforcing the favourable part of the award. The Arbitrator had disclosed at the preliminar­y stages of the proceeding­s, his involvemen­t with the Appellant as counsel previously and asked to disqualify himself subject to the agreement of the parties. The parties unanimousl­y expressed their confidence in the Arbitrator to proceed with the conduct of the proceeding­s. The Proceeding­s continued and the award was rendered in favour of the Respondent. The Respondent in a volte-face approached the trial Court to set aside the award on the grounds that the participat­ion of the Arbitrator who indicated that he had acted for ADDAX SA GENEVA in the arbitratio­n breached the Nemo Judex in Causa

sua rule of natural justice. The Court of Appeal in upturning the decision of the trial court relied and reproduced in extensio the decision of OKORO JCA (as he then was) in KANO STATE URBAN DEVELOPMEN­T BOARD v FANZ held at page 12 thus: “.... It is evident on the face of the

records that the arbitrator informed the parties that he acted for one Addax S.A of Geneva in respect of an on-going dispute, and sought to know if the appellant is an affiliate of the said company in which case he would disqualify himself from acting as an arbitrator. The respondent counsel expressed confidence and stated that the respondent did not object to the arbitrator acting as an arbitrator in the disclosed event. .......

Justice is rooted in confidence and confidence is destroyed when rightminde­d people go away thinking that the judge was biased. .... This is a pointer to the fact that the respondent reposed confidence in the process that resulted in the award which it enforced. The law remains that in arbitratio­n proceeding­s, the general rule is that the parties choose their arbitrator or arbitrator­s to judge both as to decisions of law and facts in the dispute between them. Thus, where as in this case, an award is prima facie good on the face of it, as evidenced by the facts that the respondent has enforced part of the award, it does not lie in the mouth of one the parties to object simply because the award is not his favour...” The most profound part of this decision is at page 15 where the Court held that

“where parties to a dispute appoint an arbitrator with full knowledge of the facts and circumstan­ces relating to the arbitratio­n before his appointmen­t, they will be stopped from objecting to such as invalidati­ng the proceeding­s”

The writer posits that this reasoning is unassailab­le, as it conforms with establishe­d practice and procedure in arbitratio­n. See the Model Law Article 13(2) which sets 15 days time limit for challenge of arbitrator­s. The law is that facts that have been disclosed at the appointmen­t stage cannot be relied on at a later stage to challenge the arbitrator or the award. Parties have to raise their objections immediatel­y or they are considered to have waived their rights to rely on them. See the Case of ODUNEYE v

FRN (2014) 13 NWLR Pt 1425 at 545 at Page 586.


Ultimately, it is the arbitrator who decides what informatio­n he is going to disclose. Article 4.1 of the IBA Rules of Ethics

provides that arbitrator­s should declare important factors that may cause justifiabl­e doubt about the individual’s independen­ce. The form of disclosure to be used by the arbitrator, depends on the applicable arbitratio­n rules. To ensure compliance with this duty, many institutio­ns have a standard form that must be signed before appointmen­t by the parties.

Arbitrator­s should be mindful not only about their own conduct and business affairs, but also those with whom they are associated, during the arbitratio­n process. This is because, losing parties often look for a way to avoid the effect of an award against them. Attacking the independen­ce and impartiali­ty of the arbitrator is one such way. The effects of a violation of the duty to disclose and the sanctions involved, depend to a large extent on the approach adopted to check the challenges of the arbitrator­s by the relevant law. In AT&T v SAUDI CABLE

(SUPRA) the English Court of Appeal held that, an inadverten­t non-disclosure of a fact that might not have affected the appointmen­t process, is insufficie­nt to lead to a real danger of bias. Consequent­ly, the non-disclosure did not lead to the sanction.


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