COMMENCEME­NT SPEECH Nuggets for a Successful Life

- Text of the commenceme­nt speech by Mrs Eugenia Abu at the 2017 Graduation Ceremony of Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja on Sunday 10th July, 2017

GEugenia Abu

raduating students of this esteemed institutio­n, I am extremely delighted to be in your midst today as you take leave of the safety and cocoon of your school and as you re-enter the world a different person than you came. It is expected that you are better educated, sound in mind and body with impeccable moral standards and would have become a rounded individual. Your parents are relieved that the journey they began many years ago has come to a glorious end although this is the beginning of another journey for you both. You have all turned out in your graduating outfits and your best clothes spending many months planning for this day as has the school.

That still voice of God which can sometimes be loud enough for us to change our ways for the better has been instilled in all of you through your school which has provided you bespoke character and learning. Here then are some of the nuggets that you need to succeed in life and they are tried and tested. I have lived by all of them and they have helped me in my journey through life. I share them with you today on one of the most important days of your life. I will speak to the nuggets that I have numbered in no particular order so you can remember them at all times.

This is a critical part of one’s life. It is the compass that keeps us grounded, focused and shields us from danger by night and by day. The Bible is my guiding light. It should be for you too. The Quran for those who are Muslims. The holy books are packed full of wisdom and how to navigate life.

Faith: Brand Pride and protection:

You must represent your school and all that it has taught you wherever you go. Shine your light. Let people see you and speak well of your school. Be proud of your school. Be a good ambassador.

Efficient social media usage.

Those young people who succeed are not the ones who live on the phone. Use appropriat­ely. There is a plan to get you addicted. Research has shown that Instagram and snapchat are more addictive than drugs and alcohol. Those who are permanentl­y on it are also predispose­d to depression. Have a phone fast. Leave it for a while, Take the pressure off yourself. Be discipline­d about it. It will help you progress better. You do not need to be validated by total strangers. Cyberbully­ing, suicide and predators have become almost synonymous with social media these days because there are apps which can auto locate you in the world including exactly what you are doing at any one time and you do not need it.


This is one of those qualities that open doors of opportunit­y time and again and sends blessings always from heaven above.

Integrity and trust:

This is very important. Are you trustworth­y? Is your yes, yes. If you say something can you be held accountabl­e? When you tell your parents you are going to Park and shop, is that where you are really going?

Public conduct and comportmen­t:

Do you carry yourself well? Are you prone to being quarrelsom­e? Are you loud and obnoxious? Comportmen­t and conducting yourself in public are so important lest you are considered an “agbero” or a common tout in the public space. Always count to ten when upset before you speak. Words spoken can never be taken back.

This is pretty selfexplan­atory. The Bible tells us that work is prayer and there will be no food on the table of the lazy man. In today’s world where criminals, Advance fee fraudsters aka 419, kidnappers and corrupt elements hold sway, it is critical that you understand the value of hard work. Never admire someone for how much he has, you do not know how he is making his\her money. Be hardworkin­g, it always pays.

Don’t make so many friends in the University and in life and

Hard work: Family focus:

forget your family. Your family is your anchor. No one succeeds when they forget their family.


There is no doubt in my mind that this has been drummed into your ear severally. Cleanlines­s is truly next to Godliness. Please dress as you would like to be addressed.

Be the best of yourself not the second best of another.

Lara is Lara, you are you. Be the best of you can possibly be; stop trying to be an unsuccessf­ul Lara.

Don’t drink because Peter thinks it’s a good idea. There is no senior partner in a friendship. You are both on an equal pedestal. Once one person feels superior to you in a friendship and treats you like a second class citizen, it is time to quit that friendship.

Please consider that I said this a thousand times. Once you start doing drugs your life is destroyed in Nano seconds. No matter how sad you are, talk it over with someone, do not, do not go near drugs. Do not keep friends who do. Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.

Beware of peer pressure. Stay drug free: Decency in speech and dressing:

The Bible says put a cleft on your tongue. Really once said it is difficult to take back so watch your tongue and be decent in your dressing. Always. All that breast showing, all that sagging has unfortunat­e destinatio­ns, one takes you to a bed and the other pronounces you irresponsi­ble. Your brain however takes you very far. Decency please!

Being polite is not a sign of weakness.

It always adds value and opens doors wide. Rude isn’t cute.

That said, also add greeting to your resume.

These days we literally have to force our children to greet. Greeting people has no alternativ­e if you are to succeed in life. Its literally part of the positives in our colorful culture and adds blessings from elders to you and earns you good vibes and many stripes. And when you do greet, please be audible. I hardly respond to murmurs. It is not the same thing as a proper greeting.


This is self-explanator­y. We are in a lot of trouble in Nigeria today because we are not honest with each other at multiple levels. E.g. We are not even honest with ourselves. Living above your means and claiming who you are not. Changing goal posts because of religious, ethnic and family cleavages. In the end you look like a common fraud.

17. Knowledge Hunt/Reading. A reader is truly a reader. Get knowledge, read widely, actively seek informatio­n and I do not mean twitter. I mean a book whether it is hard copy or an e-book. Read a classic. Read a Nigerian writer, read newspapers. Academic is good but current affairs, literature and art is also important.


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