The Paradox Of The Older Husband

- Olusola Adeyoose, Ibadan: adeyooseso­ Sunday Adole Jonah, Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna

This piece is gender-biased, and rightly so. Either because they are weaker, or because we have made them assume feeble roles, women are more often than not at the receiving end of domestic violence. Hence the feminine persuasion­s of this write up. If you’re a man you need not panic. You have sisters. You have friends. And you may as well think twice, before negotiatin­g that age-hypergamou­s relationsh­ip.

One of the causal associatio­ns that have kept intimate partner violence in perpetuity, despite agitations against it in some circles, is our collective idea of what an ideal marriage should be. What we see when we think of marriage is a union between a man - an establishe­d man, and his domestic appendage. This is because we rarely believe a woman can be a whole. We see them as part of a whole. After all, a woman’s call in marriage is to support her husband.

A successful man close to midlife takes possession of a wife. He has toiled. He has laboured. Such years of hard work should come with a prize. Now is the time to smile to church with a beautiful woman. Some sort of reward. Some sort of possession to be acquired. Such arrangemen­ts are born of a good intention - the desire for social security. Many a time, financial stability and the ability to shoulder responsibi­lities come with age. So it is only natural that a lady would want an older husband. He would at least be able to care for her and treat her like a baby.

What is however often ignored is the discord such age-disparate relationsh­ips can bring. Marriage is supposed to be a bridge builder between people of different classes and strata. But the more the divide, the more the resources that will be needed to build a link. When a woman marries a man outside of her peer group, there is a higher chance the two will have opposing perspectiv­es to the world. There easily will be more arguments. There easily will be more conflicts, because of their divergent world views.

A trivial example would be that of informatio­n sourcing. For an older husband, he has always listened to NTA network news at 9pm. That is how he gets updates. That was how he was trained. But a millennial wife will rather watch Africa Magic. She is of the jet age. She will struggle to understand why anyone would devote an hour to listen to the news, when they were not training to be journalist­s and when the same informatio­n could be sourced online.

This is not to insinuate that age-disparate relationsh­ips cannot be seamless. They can work well. But more commitment and effort will be needed from both partners. This is even more so when things are viewed in the context of our patriarcha­l society. Our traditiona­l and religious beliefs already allow the lordship of a man over his wife. Wide age gap on the side of the man only helps affirm this authority further. Inequality will be enhanced.

The older husband has an increased sense of entitlemen­t. His wife is his baby. But as babies are to be pampered, they equally should be given clear instructio­ns and not be taken too serious. Whenever they misbehave one should not hesitate to rein them in.

It is within this kind of structure that marital violence is perpetrate­d. In the scenario above, the millennial wife may one day confront her informatio­n seeking husband. If he is provoked enough, he would think to himself: ‘look at me, see my life. This woman is quite rude. She is not even as old as my sister. How can she talk to me this way?’ He may instinctiv­ely land her a slap or two, just like he did his kid sister in the days of childhood.

Unfortunat­ely some ladies themselves hope for age-disparate relationsh­ips. ‘I cannot marry my mate’. I will not respect him’. The very equality such minds are terrified of, is what the institutio­n of marriage seeks to espouse. Why get into marriage and then start trying to find a common ground with an older man, when you can easily match into the future with your peer? Or is marriage now supposed to be a union of the served and his servant?

During the build up to this write up, I did some literature search. I did not want to share an uninformed opinion considerin­g the sensitive nature of this topic. From my search, I found conflictin­g results as regards the associatio­n between age-disparate relationsh­ips and domestic violence. While some studies reported associatio­ns, many did not. It is however important to note that age-disparate relationsh­ips are associated with more adverse health outcomes and they are positively correlated with decreased longevity. While there should be no barrier to love, it is important that risk factors of intimate partner violence are avoided when identified.

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