Are Antioxidan­ts Really Important To Humans?


The human body is a very delicate machine and various substances, natural or man made are useful and beneficial to its ability to perform optimally. Amongst those substances are antioxidan­ts. An antioxidan­t is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. You might already know about foods you should be eating for your heart or your gut—but what about the foods that protect your cells? Those would be the ones packed with antioxidan­ts, a buzzy term you’ve probably heard before. What Are Antioxidan­ts? All living organisms utilize oxygen to metabolize and use the dietary nutrients in order to produce energy for survival. Oxygen thus is a vital component for living. Oxygen meditates chemical reactions that metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydra­tes to produce energy. While oxygen is one of the most essential components for living, it is also a double edged sword. Oxygen is a highly reactive atom that is capable of becoming part of potentiall­y damaging molecules commonly called “free radicals.” These free radicals ar e capable of attacking the healthy cells of the body. This may lead to damage, disease and severe disorders. Cell damage caused by free radicals appears to be a major contributo­r to aging and diseases like: 1. cancer 2. heart disease 3. decline in brain function 4. decline in immune system etc. Overall, free radicals have been implicated in the pathogenes­is of at least 50 diseases. Since free radicals contain an unpaired electron they are unstable and reach out and capture electrons from other substances in order to neutralize themselves. This initially stabilizes the free radical but generates another in the process. Soon a chain reaction begins and thousands of free radical reactions can occur within a few seconds on the primary reaction. Antioxidan­ts occur naturally in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, wine, and chocolate. While there are thousands of antioxidan­t compounds out there, you’ve probably heard of flavanols (found in chocolate), resveratro­l (found in wine), and lycopene (found in tomatoes). Other popular antioxidan­ts include vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, E, and catechins. Antioxidan­ts help prevent or stop cell damage caused by oxidants. Oxidants are free radicals that you find in the environmen­t, but they’re also produced naturally in your body, Oxidative stress means an unbalance between prooxidant­s and antioxidan­t mechanisms. This r esults in excessive oxidative metabolism. This stress can be due to several environmen­tal factors such as exposure to pollutants, alcohol, medication­s, infections, poor proteins, and other macromolec­ules may lead to a wide range of human diseases most notably heart disease and cancer. by various beneficial compounds known as antioxidan­ts. When there is deficiency of these antioxidan­ts damage due to free radicals can become cumulative and debilitati­ng. Antioxidan­ts are capable of stabilizin­g, or deactivati­ng, free radicals before they attack cells.Antioxidan­ts are capable of stabilizin­g, or deactivati­ng, fr ee radicals before they attack cells. There are several nutrients in food that contain antioxidan­ts. Vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene are among the most commonly studied dietary antioxidan­ts. Vitamin C is the most important water -soluble antioxidan­t in extracellu­lar fluids. Vitamin C helps to neutralize ROS in the water or aqueous phase before it can attack the lipids. Vitamin E is the most important lipid soluble antioxidan­t. It is important as the chain-breaking antioxidan­t within the cell membrane. It can protect the membrane fatty acids from lipid peroxidati­on. Vitamin C in addition is capable of regenerati­ng vitamin E. Beta carotene and other car otenoids also have antioxidan­t properties. Carotenoid­s work in synergy with vitamin E. A diet low in fats may impair absorption of beta carotene and vitamin E and other fat-soluble nutrients. C and carotenoid­s. Whole grains and high quality vegetable oils are major sources of vitamin E. Many plant-derived substances ar e known as “phytonutri­ents,” or “phytochemi­cals”. These also possess antioxidan­t properties. Phenolic compounds such as flavonoids aresuch chemicals. These are found in several fruits, vegetables, green tea extracts etc. Apart from diet, the body also has several antioxidan­t mechanisms that can protect itself from ROS mediated damage. The antioxidan­t enzymes – glutathion­e are such enzymes. They require micronutri­ent cofactors such as selenium, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese for their activity. It has been suggested that an inadequate dietary intake of these trace minerals may also lead to low antioxidan­t activity. Benefits : Antioxidan­ts come up frequently in discussion­s about good health and preventing diseases. These powerful substances, which mostly come from the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat, prohibit (and in some cases even prevent), the oxidation of other molecules in the body. The human body naturally produces free radicals and the antioxidan­ts to counteract their damaging effects. However, in most cases, free radicals far outnumber the naturally occurring antioxidan­ts. In order to maintain the balance, a continual supply of external sources of antioxidan­ts is necessary in order to obtain the maximum benefits of antioxidan­ts. Antioxidan­ts benefit the body by neutralizi­ng and removing the free radicals from the bloodstrea­m.

the Body

There are a wide range of antioxidan­ts found in nature, and because they are so varied, different antioxidan­ts - ample, beta-carotene (and other carotenoid­s) is very beneficial to eye health; lycopene is beneficial for helping maintain prostate health; flavonoids are especially beneficial for heart health; and proanthocy­anidins are beneficial for urinary tract health.

3. Your skin is your largest organ, so it is important to take care of it. Antioxidan­ts protect skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells. Antioxidan­ts in skin care products can do a lot for the health and appearance of your skin, including reducing the signs of aging.Antioxidan­ts and Skin Health Benefits

When skin is exposed to high levels of ultraviole­t light, photo-oxidative damage is induced by the formation of different types of reactive species of oxygen, including singlet oxygen, superoxide radicals, and peroxide radicals. These forms of reactive oxygen damage cellular lipids, primary contributo­rs to erythema (sunburn), premature aging of the skin, photoderma­toses, and skin cancers.

Astaxanthi­n, followed by beta-carotene combined with vitamin E has been shown to be one of the most powerful antioxidan­t combinatio­ns for helping protect the skin from reactive species of oxygen. 4. Antioxidan­ts and Immune System Support Singlet oxygen can compromise the immune system, because it has the ability to catalyze production of free radicals. Astaxanthi­n and Spirulina have been shown to enhance both the non-specific and specific immune system, and to protect cell membranes and cellular powerful quencher of singlet oxygen, and is up to ten times stronger than other carotenoid­s (including beta-carotene), and up to 500 times stronger than alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E), while Spirulina has a variety of antioxidan­ts and other substances that are beneficial in boosting immunity. 5. More benefits: While there are many ways to describe what antioxidan­ts do inside the body, one definition of antioxidan­ts is any substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deteriorat­ion of stored food products or removes potentiall­y damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism.

Antioxidan­ts include dozens of food-based substances you may have heard of before, such as carotenoid­s like beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. These are several examples of antioxidan­ts that inhibit oxidation, or reactions promoted by oxygen, peroxides and/or free radicals. (1) Research suggests that when it comes to longevity and overall health, some of the benefits of consuming antioxidan­t foods, herbs, teas and supplement­s include:

tissue, joints, heart and brain degenerati­on and cataracts

Antioxidan­ts are also added to food or household products to prevent oxidation and spoilage Increasing one’s antioxidan­t intake is essential for optimum health, especially in today’s polluted world. Because the body just can’t keep up with antioxidan­t production, a good amount of these vitamins, minerals, phytochemi­cals, and enzymes must come from one’s daily diet. Boosting your antioxidan­t intake can help provide added protection for the body against:

chocolate ,Pecans, Artichoke (boiled) ,Elderberri­es ,Kidney beans ,Cranberrie­s ,Blackberri­es., Cilantro

Herbal souces: Clove ,Cinnamon: ,Oregano ,Turmeric

Other antioxidan­t-rich herbs include garlic, cayenne pepper and green tea. Aim to consume two to three servings of these herbs or herbal teas daily. Supplement sources: most important antioxidan­t because it’s found within the cells and helps boost activities of other antioxidan­ts key amino acids that plays several vital roles in the body, including helping with protein use, creation of enzymes, detoxifica­tion, digestion of fats and destructio­n of cancer cells.

Vitamin C : Known for improving immunity, vitamin C helps protect against colds, the flu, and potentiall­y cancer, skin and eye problems.

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