Was The Ex NIA DG Set Up to Pave The Way for Buhari’s Northernis­ation Agenda?

- with Reno Omokri

There are three intelligen­ce agencies in Nigeria, namely DSS, NIA and DIA. Each of them is headed by Northern Muslims. Two out of the three are from the same Katsina State as President Buhari. One out of the three comes from the President’s hometown, Daura.

Is there a balance in our intelligen­ce agencies? With no Christian or Southerner in the top intelligen­ce strata, how can intelligen­ce on issues like killer Fulani herdsmen and other national security challenges not be biased in favour of those who share religious and ethnic affinity with these intelligen­ce chiefs?

But an even more important question is this: Was Ayo Oke, the sacked DG of the NIA, set up to make way for a core Northern Muslim Director General?

This is a valid question when you consider that two people were sacked at the same time, namely, Babachir Lawal, the thieving former Secretary to the Government of the Federation and Ambassador Ayo Oke.

But while Babachir Lawal, was replaced by someone from his own state of Adamawa (actually his own cousin from the same village as him), Ambassador Ayo Oke, who is from Oyo State, was replaced by Mr. Ahmed Rufai Abubakar, who is allegedly from the same Katsina state as the President but suspected to be from Chad.

But why the anomaly? Why the difference in sourcing Babachir Lawal’s successor and Ambassador Oke’s?

But it gets curiouser and curiouser. Obviously, Babachir Lawal is a pilferer. He was caught red-handed and was rightly sacked, but what was Ambassador Ayo Oke’s crime?

The flat in which US$43.4 million, £27,800 and N23million Naira ($75,000) were found was identified to be a safe house. Such practices are not strange all over the world. The money did not belong to Ambassador Ayo Oke. It was money meant for covet operations. It was not found in his account. To paraphrase the late Sabo Bakin Zuwo, it was a case of ‘government money in government house’.

Till today, many Nigerians cannot fathom why ambassador Oke was sacked.

The Buhari administra­tion inaugurate­d a committee to probe the incidences surroundin­g the notorious Ikoyigate scandal and now four months after the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo committee submitted its report, the public still does not know the outcome of its investigat­ion.

I understand that there may be some national security implicatio­ns, but the whole story seems fishy and looks to me and many others like a set up to remove the only Southerner heading one of the nation’s three intelligen­ce agencies and replace him with a core Northern Muslim Northerner.

At a time when Nigeria is facing an unusual upsurge in killings by Muslim Fulani herdsmen, it is suspicious, to say the very least, that the only non-Northerner is removed under a cloud and as now have a troika of core Northern Muslims manning our intelligen­ce agencies.

As at today, these are President Muhammadu Buhari’s men that are expected to save Nigerians from killer Fulani herdsmen:

-Minister of Defense, Muslim Northerner -Minister of Interior, Muslim Northerner -NSA, Muslim Northerner -Chief of Army staff, Muslim Northerner -IG of Police, Muslim Northerner -Chief of Air staff, Muslim Northerner -DG NIA, Muslim Northerner -DG DIA, Muslim Northerner -DG DSS, Muslim Northerner -CG, Prison, Muslim Northerner -CG Customs,Muslim Northerner -CG Immigratio­n, Muslim Northerner

(Full disclosure, the chief of Naval staff is from the South, but the Navy has little or no role in the anti-terror war)

Please make of this list what you will

Never in the history of Nigeria have we had our military and security architectu­re so firmly concentrat­ed in the hands of core Northern Muslims as we have today. This is nepotism on steroids. The heads of the Army, the Air Force, the Police and ALL the three intelligen­ce agencies are securely in the hands of core Northern Muslims. Is there not even one competent Southerner that President Buhari could find to head just one of these agencies?

And Nasir El-Rufai warned us but we did not heed his warning. On October 4, 2010, El-Rufai said as follows:

“Mallam El-Rufai wishes to remind General Buhari that he has remained perpetuall­y unelectabl­e because his record as military head of state, and afterwards, is a warning that many Nigerians have wisely heeded. His insensitiv­ity to Nigeria’s diversity and his parochial focus are already well-known.”

And what El-Rufai said in 2010 is eerily similar to what General Babangida said in August of 1985 after he overthrew Buhari. He said inter alia: “Regrettabl­y, it turned out that Major-General Muhammadu Buhari was too rigid and uncompromi­sing in his attitudes to issues of national significan­ce. Efforts to make him understand that a diverse polity like Nigeria required recognitio­n and appreciati­on of difference­s in both cultural and individual perception­s, only served to aggravate these attitudes.

With the way President Buhari has been so one-sided and sectional in his appointmen­ts, if he had the power, would he not have appointed a core Northern Muslim as the President of the Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria!

What sin did we commit as a nation to deserve such a lopsided government? A government that overwhelmi­ngly handed almost the entire Nigerian security architectu­re to core Northern Muslims in a country almost evenly populated by Christians and Muslims.

This is a man who believes in one law and set of standards for himself and his favoured section of the country and another law and set of standards for others.

Five months ago, President Buhari summoned Igbo elders and berated them for not calling Igbo youths to order and blamed them for the rise of Nnamdi Kanu and his Indigenous People of Biafra. Well, let us consider the President’s logic. President Buhari is a Fulani elder. Using his logic, should we blame him for not calling Fulani herdsmen to order? At least IPOB didn’t kill. Herdsmen kill with abandon! The President applies rules on others that he is not prepared to apply to himself or his kinsmen. For instance, how can the Buhari government say Fulani herdsmen have the right to move around Nigeria at will and then turn around to advise Rabiu Kwankwaso that he should not come to Kano? Does it mean that killer Fulani herdsmen have more freedom of movement than a bonafide Nigerian citizen?

And why must we surrender our lands for cattle colonies as the Buhari administra­tion would want? Is that the hidden agenda behind the blatant Northerniz­ation policy of the Buhari regime?

Let me sound a strong warning to any state that allows cattle colonies. They will take the land you give them. They will increase in population. They will appoint a king. They will ask for more land. You will say no. It is at that point that such a state will know the real meaning of the word colony. If in doubt, go and read about the history of Ilorin. History is about to repeat itself, but on a wider scale.

If a Nigerian goes to America to kill Americans, President Donald Trump will rightly ensure he is executed. If foreign Fulani herdsmen come to Nigeria to kill Nigerians, President Buhari will ensure they are given free land for cattle colony. Yet Nigerians criticize Trump!

America’s greatest national security threat is a missile from North Korea. Europe’s greatest national security threat is a missile from Russia. But Nigeria’s greatest national security threat in the 21st century are Fulani cattle rearers with AK-47! Is Nigeria still in the Stone Age?

And now that they have the total security and intelligen­ce infrastruc­ture firmly in their grasp, what does the Buhari administra­tion want to do?

The unintellig­ent so-called minister of defence, Mansur Dan-Ali, blamed Nigerians and the anti-grazing law for Fulani herdsmen killings and amazingly declared that henceforth the Buhari administra­tion will now monitor social media to help secure the nation.

What is the correlatio­n?

Buhari should invest the time and money he wants to use in monitoring social media and arresting hate speech makers to monitoring farmlands and arresting killer Fulani herdsmen. Misplaced priority.

He rode on free speech to power and wants to remove the ladder that got him there. He is desperate for a second term, yet he is not performing. So what will now happen when he gets the second term and does not need our votes again? If Buhari is doing little to nothing to stop Fulani herdsmen now, imagine how much worse they will be if he gets a second term!

Let me conclude by saying that I just read how 430 Nigerian prisoners are pursuing degrees at NOUN. Buhari was overthrown in 1985 and returned to power 30 years later. In those 30 years, did he improve himself like these prisoners? He did not further his education. No degree, no books written. Even his WAEC certificat­e is suspect.

Electing those prisoners is better than re-electing Buhari. So today, I remind you that prayer points and social media have limited power to kick killer Fulani herdsmen and their cattle colony political sponsors out of power. But PVCs have unlimited power to kick them out of power FOREVER. So do not go for guns. Go for your PVC and change the useless change that Buhari and APC brought in 2019

Reno’s Nuggets

Marrying a woman who has not faced tough times with you is risky. Good times do not bring out a woman’s true colours. It is easy to love a man who pays all the bills. But will she still love you if you can’t pick her bills? That is what tough times will reveal. And don’t marry a woman that needs a man. Marry one that needs you. There’s a difference. A woman who needs you won’t want sex or money from you, but she‘ll want time with you. She values your company more than your property. When you see such women, marry them #RenosNugge­ts

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