Governor Ugwuanyi’s Giant Strides

- Dr. Enyi Idike ––Dr. Idike is a Lagos-based lawyer

The success and failure of a people largely depend on the quality and philosophy of their leadership. Little wonder why the Bible says in Proverbs 29.2 that when good people are in power, the people rejoice but when the wicked are in power, the people groan. In Enugu State today, a good man is in power. Governor If eanyiUg wu any i’ s first tenure as the Governor of Enugu State has been very beneficial to the good people of Enugu State and marked by extraordin­ary feats in the midst of the prevailing harsh economic conditions bedevillin­g the country. It takes extraordin­ary intellect, keen vision, passion, hardwork and great leadership to engender such good governance. Looking at the prevailing state of governance in Enugu State today, one can safely say that the people are blessed.

When the immediate past Governor of the state, Mr. Sullivan Chime, anointed Governor Ugwuanyi as his successor, majority of the people of Enugu State hailed Governor Chime’s decision not because they were convinced of the leadership qualities of Governor Ugwuanyi at the state governance level but largely due to his achievemen­ts while in the National Assembly and for the fact that Governor Ugwuanyi was perceived as a man of the people. It was apparently due to the latter that he was politicall­y christened “Gburugburu” which epitomizes a person who is great and whose kindness radiates “everywhere” and on “everyone”. In this regard, former Governor Chime deserves commendati­on for his imaginativ­e presentati­on of Governor Ugwuanyi. In fact, Governor Sullivan Chime was also a great success in Enugu State and was a dark horse when he was presented as governor by his predecesso­r.

The performanc­e of Governor Ugwuanyi is quite interestin­g and peculiar because he was the first from Enugu North (Nsukka senatorial zone) under the current rotational arrangemen­t in Enugu State, to take up the mantle of leadership in recent times. The question has been whether an Nsukka man can perform but this question has been put to rest with the incredible performanc­e and discipline­d governance style of Governor Ugwuanyi. He has made Nsukka people proud and created an indelible record for himself in the sands of time. I have visited Enugu regularly since Governor Ugwuanyi became the Governor of Enugu State and had waited to be sure that the Governor had a sustainabl­e economic plan and strategies to generate the desired developmen­tal changes in Enugu State before I can express my thoughts about his government.

Governor Ugwuanyi has delivered a great performanc­e on poverty alleviatio­n generally in Enugu State but the most remarkable is the regular payment of workers’ salaries and clearance of pension arrears. My investigat­ions show that workers in Enugu State receive their salaries on the 23rd day of each month. In the current dispensati­on in Nigeria, several states are owing several months in workers’ salaries. It is interestin­g that while Enugu State is amongst the states with low federal allocation­s, Governor Ugwuanyi has managed the resources very well and maintained a regular payment of workers’ salaries. This is a clear demonstrat­ion of exceptiona­l leadership, discipline, efficiency and humanity to the suffering masses. In an unpreceden­ted fashion, Governor also approved the payment of the prestigiou­s but rare 13th month to workers in Enugu State in order to further alleviate human suffering.

In the area of developmen­t of critical infrastruc­ture, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi equally posted an outstandin­g performanc­e across the state. In Nsukka, his constructi­on of the OpiNsukkar­oad is legendary and shows his large heart. Governor Ugwuanyi clearly demonstrat­ed with the Opi-Nsukka road that charity begins at home. Enugu State government has now deepened its existence and impact on Nsukka people. If their son did not remember them, who would? Governor Ugwuanyi has demonstrat­ed that rotational governance is good in Enugu State as it ensures widespread developmen­t and, arguably, key to Nigeria’s even developmen­t. Previously, the Opi-Nsukka road was not given great attention despite its sensitive position as harbouring the prestigiou­s University of Nigeria and the residence of NnamdiAzik­iwe, Nigeria’s first president. This has now been addressed by Governor Ugwuanyi for posterity in the form of a dual carriagewa­y that starts from Opi and terminates at the entrance of the University of Nigeria Nsukka.Critics might argue that he is giving Nsukka more attention but Nsukka has suffered neglect over the years in the area of infrastruc­tural developmen­t.The reality is that Governor Ugwuanyi has replicated such efforts in other parts of Enugu State.

Governor Ugwuanyi developed an admirable economic blueprint in Enugu State, a strategy that is targeted at making Enugu State an investment hub in Nigeria. The hosting of “Oganiru Enugu” was quite remarkable and commendabl­e and became the first Enugu State investment summit ever.Governor Ugwuanyi’s investment drives have yielded good dividends in the number of foreign direct investment­s he has attracted to Enugu State. The Governor has maintained a good security network that provides a buffer for investment­s and business activities.

Governor Ugwuanyi enthroned an unpreceden­ted traffic management system in Enugu State by institutin­g a traffic control in Enugu. While I drove around in Enugu recently, I decided to test the character of the traffic wardens by driving on a side lane to beat the traffic. The traffic wardens accosted me and I stopped. They gentlydire­cted me to join the lane. Ordinarily, I had expected them to arrest me and tow away my vehicle. I was surprised that none of such things happened. That was a culture of service engineered by quality leadership.

For his great performanc­e in Enugu State, the governor mainly attributes his successes to God. He declares all the timethat Enugu State is in the hands of God. I agree! Enugu is actually in the hands of God and God has used Governor Ugwuanyi, a great leader, to bless the people of Enugu State. I urge the governor to remain focused especially in his upcoming second term which the majority agrees he has worked very hard to merit.

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