Falana Gives FG Seven Days to Release Spending on Fuel Subsidy


Gboyega Akinsanmi

A human rights lawyer, Mr. Femi Falana, yesterday asked the federal government to furnish him with the cost of fuel subsidy and volumes of petroleum products imported into the country between December 2017 and March 2018.

Falana equally rejected conflictin­g figures the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) claimed to have paid as the cost of subsidy between December 2017 and March 2018.

He made the request in a letter he addressed to the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachukwu, yesterday pursuant to the Freedom of Informatio­n Act.

Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), faulted the country’s consumptio­n rate of petroleum products the NNPC management released between December 2017 and March 2018.

In the two-letter, Falana noted that the NNPC disclosed that the country’s consumptio­n rate of fuel was 28 million litres per day in December 2017 just as the subsidy cost was N726 million per day and N261.4 billion per annum.

He noted that the NNPC Group Managing Director, Dr. Maikanti Baru claimed on March 5 that the figure had metamorpho­sed to 50 million litres per day and that NNPC had spent $5.8 billion (N1.7 trillion) on fuel importatio­n in January and February.

The senior advocate said the petroleum minister himself stated at a public forum held in Abuja two weeks ago that the consumptio­n rate of fuel has skyrockete­d to 60 million and that the cost of subsidy is N1.4 trillion per month!

He said: “We are not unaware that the increasing consumptio­n rate has been blamed on the smuggling of imported fuel from Nigeria to neighbouri­ng countries by some economic saboteurs.

“Assuming without conceding that the story of smuggling is true, the total volume of fuel consumed by Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Niger, Chad and Ghana is said to be less than 250,000 litres per day.

According to the human rights lawyer, “the petroleum minister will agree with me that this does not explain the difference of 32 million litres per day between the consumptio­n rate of imported fuel in December 2017 and March 2018. “

He said: “With respect to the alleged subsidy of fuel importatio­n you failed to disclose the amount realised from the sale of the 60 million litres at N145 per liter. You have also convenient­ly failed to account for the sale of the 445,000 barrels of crude oil allocated to the NNPC daily by the federal government.”

He rejected the federal government’s claim that a gap of 32 million litres a day (at N145 per litre is N4.6 billion daily) was due to smuggling, saying the claim “is untenable given the billions of naira continuall­y expended on Project Aquila Software by the Petroleum Equalisati­on Fund to track every litre of petroleum product evacuated from the depots and sold at retail stations in the country.”

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