Ager e n d

- The show is open to every te

My role models are Mo Abudu and myself. Mo Abudu is an amazing woman and she inspires me a lot. When I read her profile online, I made up my mind to equal or even surpass her achievemen­ts. Though she is from a well-to-do family and I am not, she worked really hard to get to where she is today and I am ready to work as hard. I also inspire myself in a lot of ways.

I sing, write, act, draw, present and also do motivation­al speaking. Recently, I counselled a girl who had taken a decision to do something really awful and after the session, she changed her mind. I am also a very good cook.

I see myself as the establishe­d CEO of Becky’s Fashion Palace. My palace will cater for everything fashion - clothes and accessorie­s. I intend to stock designs from other people as well as my own designs.

I am immensely grateful to daddy and mummy Iluyomade, the head teacher, Pastor Gbenga Olaniyan and other teachers of the Next Generation Church of RCCG, City of David Parish for this wonderful platform. God is using them to polish and even rewrite the destinies of many teenagers. Through the show, many talents have been discovered; some in singing, photograph­y, presenting, designing and even modelling. The other day, while watching the television I saw a product of the GF Show; Newton Avies Igwele, strutting the runway as a profession­al model in South Africa. I was ecstatic because he started here four years ago and now he’s on a world stage.

No! It is open to every teenager that has something to offer irrespecti­ve of his or her religious affiliatio­n. A certain year, a nonmember emerged the winner. Reach out for greatness. God put something in every one of us, as He said in Jeremiah remiah 1v5. Some people discover scover theirs earlier than an others but no matter how w longg long it takes for you to o discover yours, never give e upp up trying. yg The saying g that a fool at 40 is a fool ol forever, in my opinion, is s not correct. Some people ple p can start late and still till make an impact. t. Also, do not spend d yyour your time Googling the latest music, fashion shion or even watching chingg pporn. porn. Search for r pprofiles profiles of successful ful ppeople people online and d read about their ir jjourneys journeys y to the top for your inspiratio­n. n.

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