Orjiako: For Us, Corporate Governance is a Given

Seplat Petroleum Developmen­t Company Plc is among the four companies that was recently migrated to the premium board of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Its chairman, ABC Orjiako spoke to journalist­s on this laudable feat. Nosa Alekhuogie presents the excerpt

- Orjiako

What does the Premium Board listing mean to Seplat and its investors? It is a very important milestone in taking a very long term view in our strategic vision. From the get go we knew that Seplat was going to aim very high and we are very clear in our mind that corporate governance is the base. So we continuous­ly make sure that best practices are core in our business. We are very happy that having gone through that scrutiny when we did our listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and NSE, we were sure that corporate governance, very high level best practices scrutiny was important and that is what the elevation has indeed eloquently testified.

I think the message obviously for all the investors is that it is a clear message that they are with the right company. The next point is that it is going to create the ability for many of our investors to see more liquidity happening in their securities. It is also going to mean that the securities they hold have value at the highest echelon or segment of the capital market. That is something to be very proud of.

Corporate Governance is very important in this level of Premium Board listing, how are you prepared as a company to ensure this is sustained going forward? Like I said before corporate governance for us is a given. We go beyond corporate governance and compliance. What I said on the floor of the NSE is that for us, corporate governance is a given. We take best practices as the core of our business. But going forward , having migrated to the Premium Board index , it means that a lot more is required of us to make sure we maintain that leadership position with respect to making sure that corporate governance paradigms are well maintained in our organisati­on.

You succeeded in doubling the value of this company within four years as a listed company from N200billio­n to over N400billio­n market capitalisa­tion. Going forward, what do we expect in that direction?

As a matter of fact when we listed on the Exchange, our market capitalisa­tion was relatively high. Obviously because of the Foreign Exchange (forex) adjustment, we would have more than that. But going forward, what we would like to do is to create very robust fundamenta­ls for our securities so that regardless of what happens in the environmen­t, we stand out. We would make sure that our company is well governed; making sure that the effectiven­ess of a strong management team is maintained. We will also make sure that every message we will give to the market and investors that we do, we will not only perform but exceed their expectatio­n. We promised the market when we came that we would be adding value growth in terms of capital growth and that we have delivered and that is what the elevation to Premium Board has shown. We promised them we would be a profitable company and we have maintained that over the years. We also promised that we are going to be a company that is well run; that we have delivered. We said we are going to grow the company organicall­y, we promised we are going to be a profitable and dividend paying company; that we have delivered. We will acquire asset, we would grow our production, and all these we have done phenomenal­ly. We said we would commercial­ise and monetised gas and we are doing that. Obviously, if you are following the trend of our performanc­e you will see that the gas revenue is growing Year on Year (YoY).

How do you feel heading the Board of a successful company? Obviously, we are happy to be at the helm of affairs. But beyond that is the fact that, to whom much is given, much is expected as well. One of the things we pride ourselves about the company is the level of experience we have in the Board; the diversity we have and obviously the strong experience we have in the management team. We even make sure that even through our succession programme, every of those elements count.

Three factors qualified Seplat to be listed on the Premium Board. These are liquidity around the stock, market capitalisa­tion and corporate governance. How will your company sustain these factors? Starting with liquidity, you have to have free float of shares of over 20percent, but for us as a company our free float is closer to 50percent than 20percent already and with a company like this free float of shares can only increase, so you either tap from the market or whatever you can do in the future to dilute the shareholdi­ng of the existing shareholde­rs and increase the free float. So, we are consciousl­y working on that to increase the liquidity on the stock.

For market capitalisa­tion other than liquidity two critical elements are size and governance and size is about market capitalisa­tion. So if we continue to do the right things and for us internally, we believe that if you consciousl­y and as a matter of culture continue to do the right things, even without prompting ultimately you will see the benefit and the benefit will come in value creation and this will translate to increase in the value of the company. So all things being equal, except for things outside our control, we expect our market capitalisa­tion to also continuous­ly increase and not lower than where we are now.

When we applied for listing on the Premium Board, our market capitalisa­tion was just over N200billio­n, so you just saw during the introducti­on of our company on the floor of the Exchange that our market capitalisa­tion was N396billio­n, and as at the end of trading on that day of our listing it went up to N404billio­n and so it doubles the minimum requiremen­t for qualifying to be listed on the Premium Board.

For us, the most critical is governance, we have spent seven and half years building a company we believe in. If you make the best practice of corporate governance as a culture you will ultimately see the result; that is what you are seeing. We are only four years old on the Exchange and we are already in the Premium Board. In fact, we are seven and half years as a company in operations and eight years as a registered company.

We started as the company August 1, 2010. We are less than eight years old and we have come this far; this is not by chance, it has been a deliberate effort by the Board and Management team and how to create this governance culture. So what you saw today (during listing) is an attestatio­n of the result of what we have been doing in the past seven and half years.

How did Seplat grow in its performanc­e indicators given the short period of its existence? You know our history; we started originally as a growth company. We took over asset and we consciousl­y worked the asset and more than tripled production in about four years, from 18,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 60,000 bpd. Prices were good then until between mid-2015 and 2017. Two things happened to us simultaneo­usly; prices dropped and production crashed because of crisis outside our control and Trans-Escravos that led to dip in our production performanc­e, revenue generation, productivi­ty and profitabil­ity.

In fact, in 2016 full year, we had a loss of about N166 billion. We only worked out through 2017 to turnaround the position to profitabil­ity. Let us return to corporate governance again, it is through this same corporate governance practice upon which we operate that we were able to navigate the company from this two years of treacherou­s condition outside our control. I hope you are aware that we raised $350million bond just last month and $300million revolver credit. So, our overall average cost of debt has gone down to by 300percent from our creditors. Our balance sheet is completely restructur­ed. Every time I talk about governance as a matter of a culture being imperative for us to deliver long-term and sustainabl­e good performanc­e. We really do believe in it. It is not about priding ourselves as been in Premium Board, so when we say we are proud of ourselves because of what we really believe in which is to deliver the long-term benefit to our stakeholde­rs.

How do you hope to sustain and even surpass this performanc­e to be able to attract more investors? Our intention is to sustain and even surpass our present performanc­e. It takes a lot of discipline and effort to be where we are to be in the Premium Board. People talk about reporting, transparen­cy, and discipline; it looks that simple, you have to do the right things to be proud to discharge what you are doing. If you are cutting corners even before disclosure you won’t get there.

When we say we are proud of what has happened; this is an attestatio­n of what we really believe in, that we needed to belong to this class of companies. For us, doing the right things as consistent­ly as we can has taken us thus far. We have put the building blocks in place to be able to deliver sustainabl­e performanc­e or result in the future.

What is the company’s financial projection for 2018? As an oil and gas production company we guide for production and we don’t guide for profit, unlike banks and so on. By the time we publish our first quarter (Q1), we

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