UNICEF Distribute­s 350,000 Mosquito Nets in Borno

- Michael Olugbode in Maiduguri

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will be combating malaria in Borno State with over 350,000 mosquito nets.

According to the Fund, the insecticid­e treated nets are aimed at reducing infant mortality in the troubled state.

UNICEF, in a press statement by its Communicat­ion Specialist in charge of Borno Field Office, Kusali Kubwalo said the collaborat­ion is with the Borno State Primary Health Care Developmen­t Agency (SPHCDA) and the Borno State Ministry of Health (SMOH).

Kubwalo said the exercise, which aimed at distributi­ng 358,134 long lasting insecticid­e treated nets in the troubled state, is to ensure the survival of children under the age of five.

She revealed that: “So far, UNICEF has already distribute­d long lasting insecticid­e treated nets (LLIN) to 45,868 children under 5 and pregnant lactating women in Shani local government area of Borno state.”

She said: “The distributi­on aims to ensure that pregnant women, children under 5 years and other members of their families are protected from malaria, which is endemic in Nigeria and considered to be one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in children and pregnant women.

Kubwalo, in the statement quoted UNICEF Chief of Borno Field office, Geoffrey Ijumba, as saying: “Preventing malaria is critical to improving nutrition, maternal and child health. Pregnant women and their babies are especially at risk, since malaria infection during pregnancy can lead to stillbirth, low birth weight and other complicati­ons.”

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