The festival offers another opportunit­y for a life of sacrifice, charity and love


The Eid al-Adha, better known as Eid-el-Kabir being marked today across the world is a festival that calls for rededicati­on to the cause of mankind, to appreciate the gift of life and to imbibe the virtues of tolerance, understand­ing and good neighbourl­iness. This day, according to a scholar, is meant “to multiply good deeds by bringing happiness and pleasure to the hearts of other Muslims, by helping and supporting the poor and needy, and by getting involved in pastimes that emphasise the strong and serious Islamic character.”

Therefore, amid the traditiona­l consumptio­n of ram meat that is customary on a day such as this, it is important not to lose sight of the true meaning of this special occasion and the spirit of sacrifice it represents. Given the level of deprivatio­n in the land, perhaps no period in our history offers better opportunit­y to share and to make sacrifice. The socio-economic conditions of the country this year makes it compelling for adherents of Islam and indeed all Nigerians to look beyond themselves and their immediate environmen­t. That explains why the occasion should go beyond the slaughteri­ng of rams to sharing love and material possession­s not only with relatives or acquaintan­ces, but also with the displaced, the elderly, the orphans and other people at the margin of the society, including those with special needs.

The lesson of Eid-el-Kabir is simple: by paying attention to the plight of the poor, we invariably place the welfare of our neighbours as important as ours; by allowing others to partake of our wealth or material possession­s, we honour the One who made the provision in the first place. This happens to be at the heart of all religions, but a virtue that is particular­ly at the heart of this festival. It is also important that Nigerians begin to embrace and support charitable causes and there is no better occasion than today’s to make such resolve.

What particular­ly makes the festival significan­t is that it is rooted in the scriptural accounts of both Islam and Christiani­ty about how Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), in obedience to God was to sacrifice his son before divine interventi­on. Thus, the true meaning and essence of this occasion are: submission, obedience and love, virtues that are in short supply in our country today.

This year’s celebratio­n, like in the past few years, is coming at a particular­ly difficult time for our nation. The temperatur­e is uncomforta­bly high, fouled by acrimonies and recriminat­ions between and among different ethnic groups and political parties, especially as we inch towards the 2019 general election. However, if we understand the fact that we are all creations of God, the propensity for hate on the basis of some artificial difference­s would reduce and we would relate more to one another with love and mutual respect. Tolerance across these artificial divides that our politician­s have erected will foster harmony and promote peace and developmen­t in the country. It will also help the process of healing the deep wounds sparked off by politics and the manipulati­on of religion and ethnicity.

Against the background that there are usually challenges in the process of integratin­g members of any society into a cohesive social whole, what confronts us may not be particular­ly peculiar. But it will require all citizens working together if we are to resolve many of the ills that plague our nation. Therefore, as we celebrate this special festival, we must reflect on and imbibe the essence of sacrifice and humility for the promotion of harmonious relationsh­ip in our country. We also need to take this opportunit­y to reach out to everyone in promoting love, peace and unity.

We wish our Muslim readers Eid Mubarak.


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