World Bank Boosts Reproducti­ve Health Study in UNIBEN

- Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

In order to further help in the provision of reproducti­ve health and other related matters, the World Bank has establishe­d a Centre of Excellence in Reproducti­ve Health Innovation (CERHI) at the University of Benin (UNIBEN).

Part of the mission for the establishm­ent of CERHI is to implement high quality training and applied research for reproducti­ve health profession­als, needed to build a new cohort of human resource for reducing the regions high burden of fertility, unsafe abortion and maternal mortality.

Leader of UNIBEN CERHI centre, Prof. Friday Okonofua, who spoke at the unveiling, recently, said part of its vision is to be a leading institutio­n providing innovative and transforma­tional changes on matters relating to population and developmen­t.

He said: “The centre would provide short courses in productive health policy in West and Central Africa, as well as post graduates courses in reproducti­ve health, public health, health economics and nursing.

“The centre has recruited a total of 252 Masters students, 36 PhD students and 569 students in short courses on reproducti­ve health.”

He disclosed that the centre has also received grant from the Ford Foundation and the African Research Excellence Fund for staff training and program expansion.

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