IWA Holds Maiden Lecture


Publishers of the Inside Watch Africa (IWA), a pan African magazine has concluded arrangemen­ts to hold the maiden edition of the IWA lecture series Entitled, “TheTraject­ory ofTrans-West AfricanTra­vel andTrade -1975 Till Date and theWay Forward,” the event is scheduled to hold in Lagos, on Monday, 19th of November 2018. Publisher of the magazine, O lu waseyi Ad egok e-Adey emo,i na statement said as expected, in the past 10 years, the company encountere­d lots of obstacles on its way adding that it has also experience­d great times and gathered a lot of knowledge along the way. “We are fully aware that as a media house, we are to inform, educate, criticise objectivel­y and stimulate discussion­s and we are resolved to do that to the best of our abilities. It is obvious that we are not where we want to be 10 years into publishing IWA but we are confident that leveraging our pedigree we are going to do a lot better in the years ahead in attaining out objectives. “The keynote address will be given by Dr. Sola Afolabi, a renowned scholar, internatio­nal conference speaker, are tired director at ECO WAS Commission and consultant of note, while Prof. A yo dej iO lukoju,a former Vice-Chancellor, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos, and currently of the University of Lagos, is the Special Guest of Honour. “Other activities to commemorat­e the 10th anniversar­y of IWA include a church service and visit to an Orphanage. “On the board of the magazine which has as its focus and mission, ``Reconnecti­ng Africans to their roots and publishing contents with Africannes­s’’, are a former Managing Director of DailyTimes, Dr. Yemi Ogunbiyi and Alhaji Idirisu. “The quarterly magazine has traversed the length and breadth of Africa as reflected in the 12 of its cover stories devoted to great African legends across the fields of human endeavour – politics, sports, monarchies, women activism, culture etc, “he said.

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