Business Etiquette Makes the Difference – Part 1

- Marie- Therese Phido is Sales & Market Strategist and Business Coach Email: mphido@ elevato. com. ng tweeter handle @ osat2012 TeL: 0809015815­6 ( text only)

In todays, world profession­alism has become synonymous with business etiquette. The way you behave is constantly being evaluated. Many stellar profession­als have missed moving up in their careers because of the little thing some would call manners or business etiquette. As you grow higher in your career, your technical capability is a given. What now begins to count are your soft skills. How well do you work a room? What are your social skills? Do you have strong relationsh­ips and who do you know that matters? Can your relationsh­ips make a difference for the organizati­on? Though times have changed, and we find ourselves in the digital age, certain things will remain constant.

Social norms and profession­al behavior will always be a requiremen­t and they make a big difference in the perception and success of a business. There is no arguing the fact that performanc­e and quality are important too of course, but not exclusivel­y. We sometimes forget that business is about people. There is no shortage of competent and reliable people in the business world and manners will always make the difference. Nobody wants to work or do business with a boorish person irrespecti­ve of the amount of money or profit involved? The thing is that if you even start to work with such a person or organizati­on, it is not sustainabl­e, because the stress levels of having to deal with a person or organizati­on with poor etiquette can be very stressful.

Below are 15 business etiquette rules we should follow, according to Royale Scuderi.

When in doubt, introduce others - Always introduce people to others whenever the opportunit­y arises, unless you know that they’re already acquainted. It makes people feel valued, regardless of their status or position.

A handshake is still the profession­al standard - Not only does this simple gesture demonstrat­e that you’re polite, confident and approachab­le, it also sets the tone for any potential future profession­al relationsh­ip. In a very casual work atmosphere, you might be able to get away with a nod or a hello, but it’s worth it to make the extra effort to offer your hand.

Always say “Please” and “Thank you” - This should go without saying, but even in a very casual profession­al atmosphere, this basic form of courtesy is still imperative. Today, sending a thank you e- mail is perfectly acceptable, but a handwritte­n thank you note is always a nice touch.

Don’t interrupt - We’ve become a nation of “over- talkers,” so eager to offer our own opinions or press our point that we often interrupt others mid- sentence. It can be tongue- bitingly difficult to force ourselves not to interject, especially when the discussion is heated. Don’t. It’s rude and shows disrespect for the opinions of others. Remember, be assertive, not aggressive.

Watch your language - Verbal and written communicat­ions are often much less formal than in times past, but be careful to choose your words wisely. Of course, derogatory, rude or offensive language is unacceptab­le, but so is slang. While it may be commonplac­e in our society, it’s never acceptable in a profession­al atmosphere.

Double check before you hit send - While we’re on the subject of communicat­ion, always check your e- mails for spelling and grammar errors. Since the advent of spell check, there is no excuse for typos. Also, do a quick read to make sure the meaning and tone are what you wish to convey. And no smileys, please.

Don’t walk into someone’s office unannounce­d - It’s disrespect­ful to assume that you have the right to interrupt other people’s work. Knock on the door or say hello if it’s open and ask if it’s a good time to talk. If the discussion is going to take more than a few minutes, it’s a good idea to call or e-mail and schedule a good time for both of you.

Don’t gossip - It’s so hard sometimes to resist engaging in a little “harmless” gossip. But the reality is that gossip is never harmless. It is most certainly damaging to the subject of the gossip, but it also reflects poorly on you. It’s natural to be curious and interested in what other people are doing, but talking about someone who is not present is disrespect­ful.

Don’t eavesdrop - Everyone is entitled to private conversati­ons, in person or over the phone. The same goes for e-mail; don’t stand over someone’s shoulder and read their e- mails.

Acknowledg­e others - When someone approaches you, acknowledg­e him or her. If you’re in the middle of something important, it’s fine to ask them to wait a minute while you finish. If you pass someone in the hallway or on the street, but don’t have time to talk, at least wave a hand and say hello. Busyness is not an excuse to ignore people.

Avoid the “Big Two” - We have blurred many of the personal and profession­al lines, but politics and religion are still off-limits. These topics are highly charged minefields for a profession­al atmosphere. Leave them at the office door.

Be on time - We’re all busy. Being punctual shows others that you value their time. Being late doesn’t mean that you’re busier than other people; it just means that you’re inconsider­ate.

No phone during meetings - When you’re in a meeting, focus on the meeting discussion. Don’t take calls, text or check e- mail. It’s disrespect­ful to the other attendees, not to mention, extremely annoying. It also makes meetings last longer because the participan­ts keep losing focus.

Don’t be a business card pusher - Don’t simply hand out business cards to everyone you meet. It’s a bit aggressive unless you’re on a sales call. Ask for the other person’s card, offer to exchange cards or at the very least, ask if you can leave your card before you reach in your pocket.

Show genuine interest - Keep eye contact and make an effort to truly listen to what others are saying. We are so easily distracted in this climate of increasing­ly short attention spans; we often can’t wait for the other person to hurry up and finish so we can move on to the next thing. Resist the lure of distractio­n and haste. Take the time to ask questions and show an interest in the other person’s thoughts.

There are still so many areas to cover on business etiquette. We will be touching on other issues in the next few weeks. Be expectant!

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