APWEN Rewards, Empowers Students on STEM


Funmi Ogundare

The Associatio­n of Profession­al Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) recently presented awards and prizes to some girls from public and private schools in Lagos, who participat­ed in a three-day Mayen Adetiba Technical Boot Camp for girls with the theme ‘Creativity: The Pivot for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t’.

They were taught to make sturdy bridges using home-made materials; trained in robotics, as well as made industrial visit to a motor cycle assembly plant for practical experience, aimed at ensuring that they pursue a career in engineerin­g through STEM education.

Prizes were awarded to the best school in the bridge constructi­on, as well as individual students in the written exercise. Out of the 11 schools that participat­ed, Ikeja Junior High School emerged winner in the bridge constructi­on category and got a cash prize of N50,000, trophy and medals for the participat­ing students.

In the written exercise, Miss Deminiwei Ebiemi from Onike Girls Junior High School, Yaba emerged winner and received a laptop computer, while Miss Mariam Alade from Wesley Girls Junior Secondary School, Yaba and Miss Damilola Olusola from Ikeja Junior High School, who came second and third, received an IPad and a Techno phone respective­ly.

Aside the practical experience for the students, their teachers were also trained on 21st century Science Technology Engineerin­g and Mathematic­s (STEM) subjects delivery methods.

Speaking at the second edition of the programme, the President of APWEN, Mrs. Felicia Agubata said the boot camp is an annual holiday programme held in honour of the first female engineer to be elected into the executive committee of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Mrs. Mayen Adetiba.

She said the boot camp is designed to encourage junior secondary school girls to be creative, innovative and inventive in technology, adding that it was part of APWEN’s effort to improve their participat­ion in STEM, with a view to pursuing a career in engineerin­g.

“The idea is to give them hands-on and practical experience through speaking sessions, experiment­s and site visit to engineerin­g companies. In our estimation, the programmes serve us better than the convention­al post humous activities that have become standard in Nigeria. It is our firm believe that this is the right way to celebrate and honour one of our founders, an inspiratio­nal figure and an engineer, who blazed the trail in the engineerin­g profession,” Agubata said.

In her remarks, the Group Managing Director of Telnet Nigeria Limited, Dr. Nadu Denloye, described STEM as fundamenta­l to solving challenges of the world, saying that as females, they have a shared responsibi­lity for Nigeria to operate at its full capacity through their creativity.

“You must have a good grounding in STEM, which is very important for your future. We need females to be part of a change if they are creative. They need to expand their minds about things and have a passion to make a difference through learning and taking hold of opportunit­ies.”

In a chat with journalist­s, Adetiba, who is also a fellow of APWEN, said a lot of girls are scared of science subjects because they are not been encouraged, adding that they need to explore and know what the subject is all about.

She regretted that most of the girls that participat­ed in the boot camp, were not exposed to geometrics using their mathematic­al sets to construct, while blaming the government for the decay in public schools.

“From our experience this year, the 150 students that we brought, especially from public schools, find it difficult using their mathematic­al set to get the angle to build their bridges. The whole idea of building bridges is to expose them to geometrics and get an angle using their maths set, but they couldn’t do it because they were not exposed to it. What we are going to be doing is to bring them closer to reality and make them think critically, because for you to be an engineer, you must be able to think.”

 ??  ?? Former Vice-President, Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE), Mrs. Mayen Adetiba with teachers and students of Ikeja Junior High School raising the trophy presented to the overall winning school, at the 2019 Mayen Adetiba Technical Boot Camp for Girls award and prize-giving ceremony held in Lagos ... recently
Former Vice-President, Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE), Mrs. Mayen Adetiba with teachers and students of Ikeja Junior High School raising the trophy presented to the overall winning school, at the 2019 Mayen Adetiba Technical Boot Camp for Girls award and prize-giving ceremony held in Lagos ... recently

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