Dictatorsh­ip and Democracy: Strange Bedfellows (Part 9) Dictatorsh­ip (Continues)



Strange bedfellows as an idiom was probably invented by legendary William Shakespear­e in his epic, “The Tempest” (2-2): “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows”. Democracy is not only antithetic­al to, but constitute­s a strange bedfellow with dictatorsh­ip. Dictatorsh­ip, as we have seen in part 8, is nothing but despotism, autocracy and absolute authority in any sphere of life. It simply means, unlimited rule by one person or a group. It is another form of totalitari­anism, monocracy, dystopia or anarchy. Today, we continue our seminar discourse of dictatorsh­ip.

Responsibi­lity to the Electorate in a Dictatorsh­ip First of all, the responsibi­lity to the electorate in a dictatorsh­ip, is crude and unsatisfac­tory. Three, four or five years is a long time to allow any person or group of people some untrammell­ed power, where its ultimate accountabi­lity depends on the issues which can be brought to the fore, at election time. The government in a dictatorsh­ip, can often manipulate the current issues, as well as being in a position to choose the date for an election. Public opinion polls have a crucial influence on the choice of the date for an election in a parliament­ary system of government, despite Prime Ministers frequently saying that the only poll that matters is held on election day. Parliament­s usually last their full term, only if the polls are adverse. The power of a Prime Minister to call an early election when public opinion is, perhaps temporaril­y, in his favour, is a very great political advantage, and a quite unjustifia­ble one.

Answerabil­ity to Parliament The second objection to an elective dictatorsh­ip is that, it is also most defective in its answerabil­ity to parliament. A government which controls the parliament, can always suppress informatio­n or inquiries which are to its disadvanta­ge, sometimes by refusing to supply informatio­n, sometimes by using party numbers to head off, or interminab­ly delay threatenin­g inquiries; and sometimes, by throttling the parliament­ary budget, so that resources are simply not available for a proper inquiry.

Many people are appalled at the scandalous revelation­s, which are periodical­ly turned up by American congressio­nal inquiries. What they overlook is that, equally scandalous events may be happening in their own societies, but are usually covered up by their supine parliament­s. Some outrageous financial deals have been done by government­s in some of our twenty parliament­s, and kept secret for years. There have been numerous cases of government­s being able to suppress unfavourab­le stories, until elections have been called and won; elections which would almost certainly have been lost, if all the proper informatio­n had been available to the voters.

The evasive devices are many: irrelevant answers at question time; excessive delays-sometimes years-in answering questions from MPs requiring written replies; orders to public servants not to provide informatio­n to parliament­ary committees by claiming Crown privilege, or by asserting that a policy issue is involved; and the failure of Ministers to give proper informatio­n to parliament­ary committees investigat­ing aspects of their responsibi­lities, and sometimes, even failing to appear before the committees at all.

This conflict between Crown privilege (or ‘public interest immunity’, as it is sometimes euphemisti­cally called) and parliament­ary privilege, is difficult to resolve. The responsibi­lity of the government to the parliament would suggest that, it should be parliament, not the government, which should decide whether questions should be answered or documents produced, in camera if necessary. On the other hand, parliament is a party political body, and many committees are notoriousl­y leaky. In practice, the government simply refuses to produce documents, or permit the giving of evidence which it claims would be prejudicia­l to the public interest, and parliament has yielded.

The Courts Intervene The courts have taken a firmer line. It now seems to be well establishe­d that, a Minister’s certificat­e claiming Crown privilege will not be accepted as conclusive in all cases, and the courts will decide the competing claims of public interest. In the UK, the courts do accept that there is a class of documents, such as Cabinet minutes, which remain privileged; but Australian courts have held that, no class of document is entitled to absolute immunity.

The relations between the government and the parliament are so highly politicise­d, that an appeal to the courts to resolve a question of Crown privilege would not be appropriat­e. Yet, it is difficult to justify the present situation, where the government decides what is in the public interest, and not infrequent­ly, seems to confuse its own political interest with that of the public. Of the options available, the best would seem to have the Head of State decide, in the event of a dispute between the government and the parliament, where the balance of public interest lay. But, government­s would not like such a solution at all.

Appointmen­ts The third danger in an elective dictatorsh­ip, is the power of the government to make appointmen­ts to the courts, to the senior ranks of the bureaucrac­y, and to management positions in government business enterprise­s and other government-controlled organisati­ons. The vast expansion of government activities in modern times, permits government patronage on a scale which would have shocked even such a celebrated user of patronage as King Charles II. Some appointmen­ts are made to reward loyal party persons for their services; others so as to have a political supporter in a key policy post. Many appointmen­ts, of course, are made on merit, but the possibilit­y of the abuse of this patronage power, is real.

The only parliament to take any action to supervise such appointmen­ts is that of Canada, though not yet very effectivel­y. The potential for corruption is considerab­le, and one very troubling aspect of government corruption, is the way it often has implicit business support, particular­ly in the early stages. Queensland under the National Party in the 1980s, is a good case study. Many businessme­n rather liked having to bribe only one person-a corrupt minister or senior bureaucrat-and thereby avoid complicate­d, expensive and time-consuming tendering processes, through many people.

Further, judicious bribes can override planning and environmen­tal objections, which can indeed, be tedious and frustratin­g if carried to extremes. Some businessme­n prefer a corrupt government, to an incompeten­t one. A bribe may not necessaril­y be for the personal benefit of a corrupt Minister. It may take the form of a donation, to party funds. In Queensland in the 1980s, it was generally accepted that one or the other was necessary, before a major contract could be made with the government. Ingenious methods of transferri­ng funds were developed, such as deliberate­ly defaming a Minister and then making a large out of court settlement (which was tax free), or purchasing the mineral rights on a Minister’s private property, doing nothing about them, and, after a judicious pause, forfeiting the rights. What businessme­n giving such bribes do not realise, or do not care about, is that an incompeten­t government can be changed, but once there is corrupt public administra­tion, it is extraordin­arily difficult to cleanse it.

A vigilant, inquiring and effective parliament is essential, if such corruption is to be nipped in the bud, but such a parliament cannot co-exist with an elective dictatorsh­ip. In the case of Queensland, the lower house was ruthlessly controlled by the government, and there was no upper house.

No parliament has establishe­d any watching brief over judicial appointmen­ts, which are entirely in the hands of the government, despite the fact that the independen­ce of the judiciary is a crucial constituti­onal concept. In Canada and Australia, where the courts interpret the constituti­on, there is an ever present danger that the courts will become another prize for the political parties to seize.

Foreign Policy and Defence The fourth objection to an elective dictatorsh­ip, is the inability of the parliament to assert proper control over the government’s defence and foreign policy activities. A government can move the armed forces into dangerous positions and can declare war, without consulting parliament. It can sign and ratify treaties which make fundamenta­l changes to the legal, economic and social systems of the country, again without any consultati­on with parliament. Examples of the use of such powers, are the granting to citizens of the right of appeal to internatio­nal human rights organisati­ons, which makes major changes to the effective power of parliament and the courts. Similarly, the conclusion of trade agreements may radically affect the economy. In Australia, the government can effectivel­y change the Constituti­on by concluding an appropriat­e internatio­nal treaty. Except for some controls in Canada on the use of the defence power, the four national parliament­s have done nothing to control the enormous powers, thus left with the government.

Control over the Legislativ­e Process The final objection to an elective dictatorsh­ip, is that it gives the government control over the legislativ­e process. Modern government­s are far too prone to see new laws as the solution to administra­tive problems, when they would often be better advised to see that existing laws were administer­ed fairly and efficientl­y. If the government controls the legislatur­e, the bills wanted by the government party and the bureaucrac­y will be bulldozed through the parliament, any significan­t amendments being fiercely and effectivel­y resisted by the government party. The government can also avoid public scrutiny in the parliament, by leaving not only administra­tive details but substantia­l policy matters to be completed by the government, under powers delegated by the principal act.

If the government controls the legislatur­e, it becomes a cipher. The possibilit­y of substantia­l input into a bill by expert witnesses is normally frustrated by a government, if it has power to do so. Government­s do not like committee hearings on their bills, for the members of a committee, studying a particular problem and hearing informed evidence on it in public, tend to develop a common bond which undermines rigid party discipline. Yet public examinatio­n of a bill frequently results in a better solution, and reveals defects and unintended consequenc­es.

All in all, dictatorsh­ip is antithetic­al to democracy. (To be continued).

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “The best weapon of a dictatorsh­ip is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness”. (Neils Bohr).


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President Muhammadu Buhari
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