Why Obaseki Sacked Special Assistants, Senior Special Assistants

- Adibe Emenyonu

Political motive has been imputed as the reasons behind Governor Godwin Obaseki sack of all his Special Assistants and Senior Special Assistants.

Investigat­ion by THISDAY, revealed that the action was carried out by Obaseki to get rid of those loyal to those branded as “Abuja politician­s”.

The governor had on Wednesday, approved the terminatio­n of the appointmen­ts of all his SA and SSA.

In a statement signed by Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Osarodion Ogie said the sack is with immediate effect.

In the statement, Ogie said the developmen­t was in line with efforts to reorganise the governance structure to enhance efficiency in service delivery to Edo people, adding that fresh appointmen­ts will be announced within the next 30 days.

Ogie added that the state government offered its immense gratitude to the outgoing assistants for their service and assures of continued cordial relations in the years ahead.

He said, “They are hereby directed to hand over all government property and documents in their possession to the Office of the Secretary to the State Government.”

However, a source close to government house, Benin, disclosed that it was done ostensibly to weed out those who are not loyal to the governor.

The source a top APC stalwart in the state who pleaded anonymity, said the target was on those believed to loyal to Abuja politician rather than to the governor that gave them appointmen­t.

According to him, “We have been able to identify those that are loyal to our cause. And there is no way you sack some and leave some.”

So it was decided that all of them should go and that was why in the statement, it was stated that fresh appointmen­ts will be done in 30 days.

“The aim is to get rid of the bad eggs among them and retain those who are loyal. Certainly in 30 days those found worthy will be reappointe­d while new ones will be added,” he said.

It would be recalled that for quite sometimes, Obaseki has been in a political logjam with his benefactor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole who is also the National Chairman of the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) over a range of issues.

The circumstan­ce has created political divides in the state amongst some government appointees and Edo People’s Movement (EPM), a pressure group sympatheti­c to Oshiomhole and his group.

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