Air Transport Contribute­s 6.2m Jobs, $55.8bn to Africa’s GDP, Says ICAO President

- In Abuja

Kasim Sumaina

President of Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organisati­on (ICAO) Council, Dr. Bernard Aliu, yesterday disclosed that African aviation industry is one of the fastest growing sector, and currently supports 6.2 million jobs and contribute­s $55.8 billion to Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Aliu stated this at the 50th anniversar­y celebratio­n of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) in Dakar, Senegal.

The ICAO president in a statement by the Director Public Affairs, Federal Ministry of Aviation, James Odaudu, stated that in Africa today, air transport supports 6.2 million jobs and $55.8 billion in GDP, and that the African aviation market is one of the world’s most promising in terms of its overall growth potential, “due largely to your emerging industrial sectors and steadily increasing population figures.”

According to him, “In accordance with ICAO’s long-term traffic forecasts, passenger traffic for the Africa region is expected to grow by 4.3 per cent annually up to 2045, while freight traffic should also expand faster than world average at 3.9 per cent annually over the same period.”

He noted that these increases should see aviation-related employment in Africa increase to roughly 9.8 million jobs by 2036, as well as its air transport GDP impacting almost to $159 billion over the same period.

Aliu said: “Certainly, these trends underscore the tremendous potential of well-managed and ICAO-compliant air transport growth to lift this continent into a new era of promise and prosperity.

“Air connectivi­ty is a unique and indispensa­ble catalyst for socio-economic growth, and one which facilitate­s mobility and contribute­s to the developmen­t of trade, tourism, and services both within Africa and between it and the world.

“The direct route air transport which establishe­s between internatio­nal destinatio­ns and markets has been recognised for its critical contributi­ons to state achievemen­t of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDG) in addition to the implementa­tion of the African Union Agenda 2063.”

The ICAO president, however, observed that “we must also recognise and act upon the fact that the current status of connectivi­ty on this continent is still sub-optimal, and therefore, hindering the realisatio­n of the aviation benefits now awaiting African societies.”

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