‘75% DealersTra­de on Devices Not Approved by NCC’


Emma Okonji

Facts have emerged that unlicensed dealers estimated to reach 75 per cent are currently trading on devices that are not approved by the Nigerian Communicat­ions Commission (NCC).

Licensed dealers of tracking devices and equipment, who made the disclosure during the second Type Approval Sensitisat­ion Workshop, organised by the NCC in Lagos recently, called on the NCC to protect the remaining 25 per cent licenced equipment dealers who have genuinely invested in the business, and to also sanitise the business environmen­t in order to boost customers’ confidence.

Managing Director/CEO of Beta Bridges, Mr. Richard Abiodun, said there was need for the NCC to address the market threat emanating from unlicensed dealers who sell devices and equipment that are not Type Approved by NCC, thus selling counterfei­ted and substandar­d devices, just to make quick money.

In his presentati­on, NCC’s Consultant on Telecoms Devices and Equipment, Fidelis Onah, discussed the effect of counterfei­t devices on telecoms equipment, and highlighte­d the global economic effect it has on businesses and national developmen­t of a country.

According to Onah, counterfei­t telecoms devices find their ways into the Nigerian market and could cause serious danger to consumers who are the end-users of such devices and equipment.

He, therefore, stressed the need for standardis­ation and authorisat­ion of telecoms equipment, which he said, must be Type Approved by the NCC before sales and usage, to avoid undue interferen­ce of telecoms signals and transmissi­on networks.

Onah, who blamed the influx of counterfei­t telecoms equipment in the market on the basis of greed and the tendency to make quick money by shortchang­ing the market, said there was need for telecoms equipment to pass through certificat­ion, Type Approval, and specificat­ions in order to ensure best regulatory standard.

The Director, Technical Standards and Network Integrity Department of NCC, Bako Wakil, who was represente­d by NCC Director, Anthony Ikemefuna, said: “Equipment Type Approval is one of the key regulatory functions the Commission is saddled with. The Nigerian Communicat­ions Act 2003 section 132 empowers the Commission to carryout Type Approval of all communicat­ions equipment for use in the Nigerian market.”

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