The North as Centre of Violence

Yakubu Dogara tasks the North to provide leadership and organise a society that works for all

- ––Excerpts from a speech delivered by Rt. Hon Dogara at Northern security meeting at Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation, Kaduna.

"To dare is to lose one's footing momentaril­y. Not to dare is to lose oneself" - Soren Kierkegaar­d

At this moment of our history, when graves litter the northern landscape promiscuou­sly and the North has become a killing field, there is no better place to be than at an event such as this. This noble effort calling on us to rise again after we have failed can only come from patriots: for as Confucius reminds us, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”. We pray for God’s blessings upon this endeavor as the survival of our civilizati­on depends on our capacity to conquer violence and malignant evil; the twin evils confrontin­g the North today.

My assignment is not to delve into the depth of the problems but just to highlight the issues and guide proceeding­s. I have seen the report of the different syndicate groups and I must confess that they are very thorough and exhaustive.

The North is now the epicenter and theatre of violence. From Boko Haram ISWAP led by Albarnawi, Boko Haram led by Shekau and Ansaru insurgency, to farmers/herders conflict, banditry, kidnapping­s, ethno-religious conflicts, cattle rustling, etc., we are confronted with a crisis that is unparallel­ed in our history. The death spiral appears unstoppabl­e. Increasing­ly, it is becoming harder and harder to distinguis­h us from our enemies. There was no shortage of early warning signs and as a matter of fact our Philosophe­rs such as the late Sa’adu Zungur of blessed memory had warned that this dystopian era was fast approachin­g but we ignored all. We are now paying for our collective negligence.

The North is now in the grip of what Soren Kierkegaar­d called “sickness unto death”—the numbing of the soul by despair that leads to moral and physical debasement. It has become a society that is driven at its very core by the death instinct. The instinct to annihilate and destroy rather than nurture and create. Our economic debries have become too conspicuou­s to be ignored. As it is, we are now trapped in a prison of mirrors, where revealed lies are answered with new lies. With all these, it’s like our slow motion walk to self apocalypse is assured. We have seen this movie before in Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanista­n, Syria to name but just a few but not in Northern Nigeria.

Of the 19 northern states and the FCT, only Kwara State and the FCT are relatively peaceful or have the lowest rate of insecurity but all the other 18 states are inflamed by one form of violence or the other. Now the question that we all must answer is how did we get here and what must we do to defeat the radical evil of violence before it swallows us up?

I must say that one mistake we are all guilty of is to fold our arms and wait on government­s at all levels to solve this problem for us. Government has its own fair share of the blame but what are we doing ourselves? On the flip side, I get angry anytime I hear our brothers and sisters say that they are worried about what is happening in the North but they are not prepared to take a stand and be the difference. They have become like Malcolm in Macbeth who said, “Let us seek out some desolate shade and there weep our sad bosoms empty”. For those of us who only worry, thanks but no thanks, because worry is the most useless human endeavor. Worry produces nothing but pains.

Why are we here? Those mapping insecurity in Northern Nigeria have concluded that we are where we are because of illiteracy, unemployme­nt and poverty (Illiteracy+Unemployme­nt + Poverty = Insecurity).

Others including the conclusion­s of the syndicate groups here have posited that we are where we are because of breakdown in family values; we are here because of the worsening insecurity caused by the increasing use of the military. This has weakened the police and negatively reoriented the military from their traditiona­l military roles. They say that it is only in Nigeria that security officials are withdrawn from killing fields to monitor elections while vigilantes are deployed to fight terrorists and other armed gangs. The example of the notorious kingpin, Wadume who suborned army officers including a captain who caused police officers to be killed to free the kidnapper is a case in point and is often cited with justificat­ion.

That we are here because of the porous nature of our borders. They asked, how many illegal aliens have been arrested or turned back by immigratio­n? Do we have a national data bank of those either arrested or even interrogat­ed on suspicion of committing offenses? The absence of data bank means that police prosecutor­s cannot tell the courts whether accused persons are serial offenders or first time offenders. This has serious security implicatio­ns; that we are here because of lack of reforms of our prison system. The National Assembly under our watch amended the law to rename them correction­al services but as at today do they correct any inmates? The evidence is rather the opposite, that criminals get hardened in our prisons. Also some criminals are known to plan crimes from behind prison walls.

That we are here because there is an abysmal lack of intelligen­ce gathering by our security agencies, traditiona­l institutio­ns and government at all levels; we are here because of lack of prosecutio­n of persons responsibl­e for violent crimes including kidnapping, attacks on communitie­s, etc., which incentiviz­es the commission of violent crimes; we are here because majority of Nigerians are agreed that we are having the worst security challenges since the civil war yet no viable security policies or plans have been put in place to address the mounting insecurity in the country; we are here because there is an epic battle involving a disempower­ed populace infantiliz­ed by a world they cannot control who have vowed to crush the forces embodied in demonized groups such as the discredite­d establishe­d elite and other individual­s which are blamed for their misery.

Be that as it may, my own considered opinion is that those are symptoms of the real problem. The real problem is that we have failed to provide leadership and organize a society that works for all. A peaceful and orderly Northern Nigeria then was more engaged in the pursuit of justice rather than the pursuit for order. The problem started when we substitute­d the pursuit of justice for all for the pursuit of absolute order- basically whipping people into line no matter the grievance or level of discontent. In doing so, we failed to heed the timeless warning that a society that is more devoted to order than to justice will never be an orderly or peaceful society. It was St. Augustine who said, “in the absence of justice, what is sovereignt­y but organized robbery”?

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